我研制了4.net 申请书,并附有一部购物。 问题在于,用户1会带来一些好处,用户2也能够这样做。 如何共享会议......
// Readonly properties can only be set in initialization or in a constructor
public static readonly ShoppingCart Instance;
// The static constructor is called as soon as the class is loaded into memory
static ShoppingCart() {
// If the cart is not in the session, create one and put it there
// Otherwise, get it from the session
if (HttpContext.Current.Session["ASPNETShoppingCart"] == null) {
Instance = new ShoppingCart();
Instance.Items = new List<CartItem>();
HttpContext.Current.Session["ASPNETShoppingCart"] = Instance;
} else {
Instance = (ShoppingCart)HttpContext.Current.Session["ASPNETShoppingCart"];