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What is the preferred way of loading Lottie files from internal folder in a .NET MAUI app?

I am in process to migrate Xamarin Forms project to MAUI. I am stuck with SkiaSharp lottieFiles json load issue.

In my app, i download json lottiefile at runtime and save in a app s internal folder. in xamarin, CODE side app can load downloaded file from given path. but in MAUI it is not working from CODE side folder given path.

From last 3 days i tried all kind of path combintation and also tried to search online solutions, but ended up with no luck.

At this point i am testing app with Android API 33. once this start working then i need to do same testing with iphone device.

In Xamarin i was using nuget package - Com.Airbnb.Xamarin.Forms.Lottie.

now in MAUI converted project, i installed nuget package - SkiaSharp.Extended.UI.Maui

This is a part of my code:

Step 1

In my code i am download and saving file to a custom folder.

Download and save process working fine.

readonly string local_lottieJSON_folderName = "lottieJSON";

string ifolderPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), local_lottieJSON_folderName));

XAML code: defaultAnim.json is located at RAWjsondefaultAnim.json.

This part is working fine.

    HorizontalOptions="Center" />

Step 2: C# Code side load file

SKIA part has the issue

  //This is the path of Downloaded JSON file in varable "imagePath" "/data/user/0/com.companyname.xxxxxxxxxxxmaui/files/lottieJSON/animation_llhn6hu4.json"

 if (File.Exists(imagePath))

      //OLD Airbnb.Xamari working code
      // get file full path and file name
      //string fileName = Path.Combine(imagePath);
      // read file
      //string json = File.ReadAllText(fileName);
      //load the json animation

      //NEW SKIA code for MAUI
      var a = new SKFileLottieImageSource();
      a.File = imagePath;   //// RAW folder working path "json\iamhappy.json";
      animation_view.Source = a;


Extra info: i also tried these paths:







I tested with Android emulator and a physical Samsung Android 13 device.

I also tagged Xamarin community, because might someone from xamarin community made this work.

Any advice or direction will be highly appreciable !!!



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