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Haskell 可执行地与C++中写成的静态图书馆链接
原标题:Haskell executable linking with static library written in C++ got `undefined reference`

I. 创建静态图书馆:

// foo.h
extern "C" {
int foo (const char* arg0, int arg1);

// foo.cpp
#include "foo.h"
// implementation of foo

该代码编为foo.o,并包装为libfoo.a,安装到MinGW s代码lib dir(在Windows,使用海合会工具链)。


-- Foo.hs
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Foo where

foreign import ccall "foo"
    c_foo :: CString -> CInt -> IO (CInt)

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 添加到<代码>。

extra-libraries: foo, stdc++


.dist-scionuildpath	oFoo.o:fake:(.text+0x514): undefined reference to `foo 

nm http://www.un.org 图书馆实际上已经存在(名称有某些缺陷),我在此 st。

I also tried build the haskell package using cabal:

cabal configure
cabal build


Loading object (dynamic) foo ... ghc.exe: foo: ....
<command line>: user specified .o/.so/.DLL could not be loaded (addDLL: could not load DLL)

因此,这是否应当与静态/动力联系有关? 因此,我注意到GHC希望装载<代码>o/.so/.DL但NOT.a。 我真的混淆不清。

http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Cxx_foreign_Function_interface” rel=“nofollow”职称=“Cxx Foreign Function Interface”

One solution is to use -optl-lfoo -optl-lstdc++ in .cabal file, not extra-libraries. And the naming problem can be easily solved by wrapping the declaration in extern "C":

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

extern int foo (const char*, int);

#ifdef __cplusplus

在EclipseFP内进行这项工作,因此使用假肢。 但是,它仍然未能在<条码>建造



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