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Perl: 宣布一个价值清单,作为不变的
原标题:Perl: Declaring a list of values as a constant
  • 时间:2011-10-18 22:40:46
  •  标签:
  • perl

我早就使用了[不变的] p,并且对我如何宣布一个不变的清单存在迅速的问题:

use constant {
   LIST_ONE   => qw(this that the other),    #BAD
   LIST_TWO   => ("that", "this", "these", "some of them"),   #BAR
   LIST_THREE => ["these", "those", "and thems"],   #WORKS


use constant {
   LIST_THREE => ["these", "those", "and thems"],

# Way 1: A bit wordy and confusing

my $arrayRef = LIST_THREE;
my @array = @{$arrayRef};

foreach my $item (@array) {
   say qq(Item = "$item");

# Way 2: Just plain ugly
foreach my $item (@{&LIST_THREE}) {

   say qq(Item = "$item");



我认识到,常数实际上只是一种廉价的方式,可以产生一种回报不变值的支线。 但是,分组也可以返回名单。




use constant DAYS => qw( Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday);


my @workdays = (DAYS)[1..5];



缩略语 你们可以做的是,在一份清单中,有以下几点:

    *LIST_ONE = sub () { qw(this that the other) }


@list = LIST_ONE;
$element = (LIST_ONE)[1];

如果你想要一个固定的阵列,我建议使用Const:Fast,请你宣布固定的ars、 has和阵列。

I ve reviewed all the different modules on CPAN for declaring constants: http://neilb.org/reviews/constants.html.


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