English 中文(简体)
A. 含有亚x的多文件上载荷以及提交表格
原标题:Multi file upload with ajax along with a form submit

I need to design a form with several text field and several file to be uploaded along with the form. I would like to use ajax to to submit it, and i was thinking about using a jquery plugin to show a progress bar.(I am using php server side)


是否有办法预先载到显示进展障碍的档案,而是真正将其保存在形式上? 如果用户在上载档案之前填写表格,情况如何?



“一) 只有在整个形式得到验证和提交时,才会真正上载档案。”



  • Upload in the background to a "holding" directory
  • When the user submits the form, move the files from the "holding" directory into the real storage directory
  • Periodically delete any files in the "holding" director that are older than X hours


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