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原标题:how to package/publish a PDF for deployment?

i m 试图包罗一个部署地点,但并不包装需要一些档案,以便安装适当工作。 这些档案大多是PDF和DOCX。

If I go to the Package/Publish settings I have 3 options: 1. Only files needed to run this application. This is the default option which is excluding the PDFs and DOCXs. 2. All files in this project. This is including the missing files, but it is also including the code behind files (even though they are compiled). I do not want to include those files. 3. All files in this project folder. Haven t even tried this one because it will probably be worse than option 2.



在提出这一问题之后,我就把这个问题说出来。 这里存在相同或类似问题的任何人......

为了将某些档案列入一揽子部署计划,你必须对这些档案采取行动。 在解决方案勘探者档案中点击和点击房地产。 将“建筑行动”改为内容:


此外,你还必须确定一揽子方案/方案,“只是管理这一申请所需的档案”。 缺省办法。



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