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原标题:wp twenty eleven header oddity

Wordpress theme twenty-eleven. I have twisted myself into a little mystery. Pardon for poss. stupid question.

Something in the header is altering the placement/height of my h1 on some pages. Note the difference in height in the index and - say - fuel Index: http://qfsltd.no/

这不是一个页数与后页数的问题。 我曾经工作过一段时间,但后来又出现了神秘的问题。 这似乎高于头盔,站在上,但我不能“get住”它正在制造的问题。

我根本无法看到,并尝试了100万件事。 任何方面都非常赞赏。



body, body.blog, body.page-id-11, body.page-id-67 

delete the line for line-height and you will see the diference



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