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SOAP vs REST (differences)
原标题:SOAP vs REST (differences)


  1. 教育、科学和技术是更有活力的,没有必要创建和更新《世界人权宣言》、《发现》和《融合》。

  2. REST并不仅限于XML格式。 可靠的网络服务可以发送便捷文本/JSON/XML。




不幸的是,教育、科学和技术部周围有许多错误的信息和误解。 您提出的问题和反映了这些问题,但大部分问题与Stack Overflow有关。

必须对SOAP和REST进行直接比较,因为前者是议定书(或至少是尝试),后者是建筑风格。 这可能是造成混淆的原因之一,因为人们往往把高科技应用技术称作“高科技创新方案”的任何内容。

缩略微,试图进行比较,因此,《社会行动计划》与教育、科学和技术部之间的主要差别是客户和服务器安装之间的汇合程度。 一个SOAP客户像定制桌面应用程序一样,与服务器紧密结合。 客户和服务器之间有硬性合同,如果两面都发生任何变化,所有合同都会中断。 在任何变动之后,你需要不断更新,但更容易确定合同是否得到遵守。

教育、科学和技术部的客户更像是浏览器。 它是一个通用客户,了解如何使用礼宾和标准化方法,申请必须在此范围内适用。 你不会通过创造额外的方法,违反议定书标准,你利用标准方法,并在你的媒体类型上与他们一起采取行动。 如果有权利,则会发生较少的争.,而变化可以更温和地处理。 客户应进入对APIC的无了解的REST服务,但切入点和媒体类型除外。 在《社会行动计划》中,客户需要事先了解其将使用的一切,或者甚至开始互动。 此外,可以通过服务器本身提供密码要求,扩大教育、科学和技术部的客户,这一典型例子是Javad成文法,用以推动客户与另一个服务部门的互动。

I think these are the crucial points to understand what REST is about, and how it differs from SOAP:

  • REST是独立的。 它没有与吉大港山区合作。 一般来说,如果你在网站上有单线链接,则应用无害环境技术可以使用任何有标准化的URI计划的议定书。

  • REST is not a mapping of CRUD to HTTP methods. Read this answer for a detailed explanation on that.

  • REST与你重新使用的部件一样标准化。 吉大港山区的安全与认证是标准化的,这样就能够评估您在吉大港山区应用无害环境技术时使用什么。

  • REST is not REST without hypermedia and HATEOAS. This means that a client only knows the entry point URI and the resources are supposed to return links the client should follow. Those fancy documentation generators that give URI patterns for everything you can do in a REST API miss the point completely. They are not only documenting something that s supposed to be following the standard, but when you do that, you re coupling the client to one particular moment in the evolution of the API, and any changes on the API have to be documented and applied, or it will break.

  • REST is the architectural style of the web itself. When you enter Stack Overflow, you know what a User, a Question and an Answer are, you know the media types, and the website provides you with the links to them. A REST API has to do the same. If we designed the web the way people think REST should be done, instead of having a home page with links to Questions and Answers, we d have a static documentation explaining that in order to view a question, you have to take the URI stackoverflow.com/questions/<id>, replace id with the Question.id and paste that on your browser. That s nonsense, but that s what many people think REST is.

这一点怎么强调也不为过。 如果您的客户正在从文件模板中建立URI,而不是在资源代表中建立联系,那么这种联系就不是REE。 REST的作者Roy Fielding在这个博客站上作了澄清:REST APs必须是超文本驱动的

鉴于上述情况,你认识到,虽然教育、科学和技术部可能并不限于XML,但与任何其他格式正确做,但你必须设计并规范你联系的某些形式。 超级通道是XML的标准,但不是在JSON。 JSON有标准草案,如

最后,教育、科学和技术是每个人的 t,而这方面的证明是,大多数人如何与他们错误地称为教育、科学和技术部的吉大港旅游胜地解决他们的问题,从来不冒险。 有时,特别是开始时,科技创新很难做到,但随着时间的推移,它会随着服务器方面的发展而付出代价,使客户能够适应变化。 如果你需要迅速而容易地做些事情,就不要 both弄获得教育、科学和技术的权利。 这或许不是你所期待的。 如果你需要几年甚至几十年的在线居留,那么教育、科学和技术部就是你们。


<<>>>>>> 代码>REST vsSOAP>。 有权提问。

<>t>REST,与SOAP不同。 a 议定书。

<代码>REST 概念称为资源。 代表资源必须是无国籍的。 它通过某种媒体代表。 一些类型的媒体实例包括XML,JSON。 资源由部件操纵。 构成部分要求并通过标准的统一接口操纵资源。 在吉大港山区,这一接口包括标准吉大港山区标准格式,例如GET,PUT,POST,DELETE

@Abdulaziz s问题确实揭示了以下事实:RESTHTTP经常同时使用。 这主要是因为吉大港定居和移民归化局的简单化,以及它非常自然地遵循了教育、科学和技术原则。

Fundamental REST Principles

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 客户/客户通信

客户服务机构有着非常不同的关切问题。 在教育、科学和技术领域建立的所有应用,原则上也必须是客户服务。


每个客户向服务器提出请求,要求其国家有充分代表性。 服务器必须能够完全了解客户的要求,而不使用任何服务器背景或服务器机能。 因此,所有各州都必须留在客户手中。


可能会使用切身限制,从而使对应数据能够被标记为切身或不可切合。 任何标明可切身的数据都可重新使用,作为对随后同一请求的答复。

<>Uniform Interface

所有组成部分都必须通过单一的统一接口进行互动。 由于所有组成部分的互动都是通过这一接口进行的,因此与不同部门的互动非常简单。 接口相同! 这也意味着可以孤立地改变执行情况。 这种变化不会影响基本组成部分的互动,因为统一接口始终没有变化。 一种不利之处是,你与接口站在一起。 如果可以通过改变接口向特定服务部门提供优化服务,那么,由于教育、科学和技术部禁止这样做,你就离开了。 然而,从光明的方面看,教育、科学和技术部是优化网络的,因此教育、科学和技术部对吉大港山区的不可置信的欢迎!

上述概念代表了教育、科学和技术部的特征,将教育、科学和技术部的结构与网络服务等其他结构区分开来。 值得注意的是,教育、科学和技术服务是一种网络服务,但网络服务不一定是教育、科学和技术服务。

See this blog post 设计原则关于和上述子弹的更多详情。

<><>EDIT: Update content based on comments

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and REST (Representation State Transfer/strong>) both are better in their way. 因此,我并没有对这些建议进行比较。 相反,我正试图描述情况,当时我更喜欢使用教育、科学和技术部,以及何时使用社会、文化权利委员会。

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 有效载荷是什么?

在通过互联网发送数据时,每个单位发送的信息包括头盔和发送的实际数据。 负责人确定了包装的源头和目的地,而实际数据则称为有效载荷。 一般而言,有效载荷是代表申请传送的数据和目的地系统收到的数据。

Now, f或example, I have to send a Telegram and we all know that the cost of the telegram will depend on some words.

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 因此,在下文中我提到这两条信息,其中一条是更廉价的发送?


"name": "Arin"


So I am trying to say that, sending data over the network in JSON format is cheaper than sending it in XML format regarding payload.

Here is the first benefit 或advantages of REST over SOAP. SOAP only support XML, but REST supports different format like text, JSON, XML, etc. And we already know, if we use Json then definitely we will be in better place regarding payload.

Now, SOAP supports the only XML, but it also has its advantages.

<>Really! 如何?

SOAP relies on XML in three ways Envelope – that defines what is in the message and how to process it.

A set of encoding rules f或data types, and finally the layout of the procedure calls and responses gathered.

该信封是通过运输(HTTP/HTTPS)发送的,而RPC(Remote Procedure Call)则执行,信封以XML格式文件的形式归还。

重要的一点是,SOAP的优点之一是使用“generic” transport,但REST使用HTTP/HTTPS。 环保署可以几乎使用任何运输方式发出这一请求,但教育、科学和技术部不能这样做。 因此,我们在此利用《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》。


当我们谈论远洋班轮运输技术时,采用的所有安全措施都是继承的,这被称为transport level security,而且只有t 即电线上<>,但当你在另一边投放电时,你不知道要走多少个阶段才能达到处理数据的真实点。 当然,所有这些阶段都可以使用不同于吉大港山区。 因此,休息并非完全安全?

But SOAP supports SSL just like REST additionally it also supports WS-Security which adds some enterprise security features. WS-Security offers protection from the creation of the message to it’s consumption. So f或transport level security whatever loophole we found that can be prevented using WS-Security.

Apart from that, as REST is limited by it s HTTP protocol so it’s transaction support is neither ACID compliant n或can provide two-phase commit across distributed transnational resources.

But SOAP has comprehensive support f或both ACID based transaction management f或short-lived transactions and compensation based transaction management f或long-running transactions. It also supports two-phase commit across distributed resources.


Here is the "The Java EE 6 Tutorial" where they have said A RESTful design may be appropriate when the following conditions are met. Have a look.


SOAP or REST for Web Services?

REST(REpresentational State Transfer)
REpresentational State of an Object is Transferred is REST i.e. we don t send Object, we send state of Object. REST is an architectural style. It doesn’t define so many standards like SOAP. REST is for exposing Public APIs(i.e. Facebook API, Google Maps API) over the internet to handle CRUD operations on data. REST is focused on accessing named resources through a single consistent interface.

SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)
SOAP brings its own protocol and focuses on exposing pieces of application logic (not data) as services. SOAP exposes operations. SOAP is focused on accessing named operations, each operation implement some business logic. Though SOAP is commonly referred to as web services this is misnomer. SOAP has a very little if anything to do with the Web. REST provides true Web services based on URIs and HTTP.

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 为什么?

  • Since REST uses standard HTTP it is much simpler in just about ever way.
  • REST is easier to implement, requires less bandwidth and resources.
  • REST permits many different data formats where as SOAP only permits XML.
  • REST allows better support for browser clients due to its support for JSON.
  • REST has better performance and scalability. REST reads can be cached, SOAP based reads cannot be cached.
  • If security is not a major concern and we have limited resources. Or we want to create an API that will be easily used by other developers publicly then we should go with REST.
  • If we need Stateless CRUD operations then go with REST.
  • REST is commonly used in social media, web chat, mobile services and Public APIs like Google Maps.
  • RESTful service return various MediaTypes for the same resource, depending on the request header parameter "Accept" as application/xml or application/json for POST and /user/1234.json or GET /user/1234.xml for GET.
  • REST services are meant to be called by the client-side application and not the end user directly.
  • ST in REST comes from State Transfer. You transfer the state around instead of having the server store it, this makes REST services scalable.

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 为什么SOAP?

  • SOAP is not very easy to implement and requires more bandwidth and resources.
  • SOAP message request is processed slower as compared to REST and it does not use web caching mechanism.
  • WS-Security: While SOAP supports SSL (just like REST) it also supports WS-Security which adds some enterprise security features.
  • WS-AtomicTransaction: Need ACID Transactions over a service, you’re going to need SOAP.
  • WS-ReliableMessaging: If your application needs Asynchronous processing and a guaranteed level of reliability and security. Rest doesn’t have a standard messaging system and expects clients to deal with communication failures by retrying.
  • If the security is a major concern and the resources are not limited then we should use SOAP web services. Like if we are creating a web service for payment gateways, financial and telecommunication related work then we should go with SOAP as here high security is needed.



IMHO 你可以比较SOAP和REST,如果两者不同的话。

SOAP是一个规程,REST是一个软件建筑模式。 互联网上存在许多错误观念:SOAP诉REST

SOAP 界定了基于XML的信息格式,即网络服务驱动的应用在互联网上相互沟通。 为此,这些应用需要事先了解电文合同、数据类型等。

REST系指从URL获得服务器的国家(作为资源)。 它是无国籍的,客户在了解超级媒体之后,不应事先知道与服务器的互动。

首先:正式而言,正确的问题是<代码>网络服务+WSDL + SOAP vsREST

因为,虽然web service在使用《吉大港山区开发计划议定书》转让data而不是网页时使用“。 这是一个非常具体的形式。 根据定义,教育、科学和技术部不是“网络服务”。



请允许我说,你希望用一些其他方案语言使用一种遥远的计算机功能(通常称为reote procedure calls/RPC)。 假定该功能可在撰写该职务的人提供的特定URL上找到。 你们必须(有时)发出信息,并做出一些反应。 因此,要审议两个主要问题。

  • what is the format of the message you should send
  • how should the message be carried back and forth

关于第一个问题,官方定义是:WSDL。 这是一份XML文件,详细和严格地描述了这些参数、其类型、名称、违约价值、所叫的职能的名称等。 WSDL。 这里显示,该档案可以读取(但并不容易)。

第二个问题有各种答案。 然而,实际使用的唯一手段是SOAP。 其主要想法是:将以前的XML(实际信息)归纳为另一个XML(含有编码信息和其他有用的内容),并将其交给吉大港山区。 The POST means of the HTTP is used to sent the information, since there ishas a Body.

整个方法的主要思想是:为履行的职能,即行动。 因此,如果某个服务器有客户名单,而且你想看到/更新/提错,你必须具备3卢比。

  • myapp/read-customer and in the body of the message, pass the id of the customer to be read.
  • myapp/update-customer and in the body, pass the id of the customer, as well as the new data
  • myapp/delete-customer and the id in the body

REST办法对情况有不同的看法。 URL不应是一种行动,而应代表a me(在REST lingo中称为resource)。 由于《吉大港山区议定书》(我们已经使用)支持了ver,利用这些ver来具体规定什么行动

因此,按照REEST的做法,客户人数12将载于URL 编码。 为了了解客户数据,你向URL提出了GET的请求。 删除,URL, with a DELETE verb. 更新:again, 同 URL with a POST verb, and the new content in the request body.

关于一项服务必须满足哪些要求才能被视为真正的教育要求,详见rel=“noretinger”/Richardson成熟模型。 该条列举了一些例子,更重要的是,解释了为何(所谓的)SOAP服务是一种0级REE服务(虽然0级表示对该模式的遵守程度较低,但这种服务并不进攻,而且在许多情况下仍然有用)。


++ 在接近REEST时经常犯的一个错误是将它视为“与URLs的网络服务”——将REST视为另一个遥远的程序电话机制,如SOAP,但通过简易的吉大港山区和URLs而援引,而没有SOAP的直升机名称。

++ On the contrary, REST has little to do with RPC. Whereas RPC is service oriented and focused on actions and verbs, REST is resource oriented, emphasizing the things and nouns that comprise an application.

A lot of these answers entirely forgot to mention hypermedia controls (HATEOAS) which is completely fundamental to REST. A few others touched on it, but didn t really explain it so well.

This article should explain the difference between the concepts, without getting into the weeds on specific SOAP features.


低毒性反应器是最著名的抗体反应器类型。 REST is REpresentational State Transfer.



最新信息预报系统采用简单的要求/反应系统。 您可以提出使用这些吉大港山区办法的请求:

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT
  • HEAD


  • GET (read existing data)
  • POST (create a new response or data)
  • PATCH (update the data)
  • DELETE (delete the data)


最后点(或路线)是你要求的URL。 这条道路决定了你要求的资源。


也可以用许多不同的最终点来设计教育、科学和技术信息预报系统,以回报不同类型的数据。 获取带有教育、科学和技术信息预报的多端点需要各种电传。

a. 实际的实验性预报遵循以下五项限制:

  1. Client-Server Architecture
    The client requests the data from the server with no third-party interpretation.

  2. Statelessness
    Statelessness means that every HTTP request happens in complete isolation. Each request contains the information necessary to service the request. The server never relies on information from previous requests. There’s no state.

  3. Cacheability
    Responses can be explicitly or implicitly defined as cacheable or non-cacheable to improve scalability and performance. For example, enabling the cache of GET requests can improve the response times of requests for resource data.

  4. Layering
    Different layers of the API architecture should work together, creating a scalable system that is easy to update or adjust.

  5. Uniform Interface
    Communication between the client and the server must be done in a standardized language that is independent of both. This improves scalability and flexibility.

REST 标书适合需要的项目

  • Flexible
  • Scalable
  • Fast






SOAP 标注器提供数据作为服务,通常用于进行涉及多个标注或申请的交易,而安全是首要考虑。




  1. Extensibility of SOAP API
    SOAP allows for extensions that introduce more robust features, such as Windows Server Security, Addressing, and more.

  2. Neutrality of SOAP API
    SOAP is capable of operating over a wide range of protocols, like UDP, JMS, SMTP, TCP, and HTTP.can operate.

  3. Independence of SOAP API
    SOAP API responses are purely based on XML. Therefore SOAP APIs are platform and language independent.

研制者继续讨论使用SOAP和REST的利弊。 你们的项目最好符合你们的需要。

  • SOAP 尽管环境、科学和技术部基本上控制了网络应用,但针对以安全为优先事项的企业实体和政府组织而言,环境预报仍然是最佳选择。

  • SOAP比REEST更为安全,因为它利用WS-安全进行传输,同时使用有保障的臭氧层。

  • 《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》还具有更好的交易可靠性,这是《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》历史上得到银行业和其他大型实体支持的另一个原因。


REST stands for representational state transfer, it s actually an architectural style for creating Web API which treats everything(data or functionality) as recourse. It expects; exposing resources through URI and responding in multiple formats and representational transfer of state of the resources in stateless manner. Here I am talking about two things:

  1. Stateless manner: Provided by HTTP.
  2. Representational transfer of state: For example if we are adding an employee. . into our system, it s in POST state of HTTP, after this it would be in GET state of HTTP, PUT and DELETE likewise.

REST可以使用SOAP网络服务,因为它是一个概念,可以使用《人权行动计划》等任何议定书。 SOAP利用服务接口暴露业务逻辑。 REST利用URI揭露商业逻辑。

REST is not REST without HATEOAS. 也就是说,客户只知道独立会计师协会的切入点,而资源应当归还客户的链接。 这些低地文件生成者使国际投资学会在《国际投资指南》中能够做的所有事情的模式完全错误。 他们不仅记载了本应遵循标准的东西,而且在你这样做的时候,你将客户重新合并到APIC演变中某个特定时刻,对APIC的任何改动都必须加以记录和应用,否则就会中断。

HATEOAS, abbreviation for supramedia As the Trust Of Application State, is a limit of the REST application structure that separatees it from most other web application structure. 原则是,客户完全通过高超媒体通过应用服务器积极提供网络应用。 知识、技术和革新协会的客户不需要事先了解如何与任何特定应用程序或服务器进行互动,而不是对超级媒体进行一般性了解。 相比之下,在某些面向服务的结构中,客户和服务器通过通过文件或接口说明语言(IDL)共享的固定接口进行互动。

Reference 1 Reference 2

Although SOAP and REST share similarities over the HTTP protocol, SOAP is a more rigid set of messaging patterns than REST. The rules in SOAP are relevant because we can’t achieve any degree of standardization without them. REST needs no processing as an architecture style and is inherently more versatile. In the spirit of information exchange, both SOAP and REST depend on well-established laws that everybody has decided to abide by. The choice of SOAP vs. REST is dependent on the programming language you are using the environment you are using and the specifications.

为了回答这一问题,了解从简单层层结构到反对和安插、以资源为基础的服务、以及现在我们甚至有基于事件的结构的分布式应用结构的演变是有益的。 大多数大型系统使用一种组合式。

第一批分发的申请结构分层。 我恳请大家知道什么层次。 这些结构是严格组织的,可以是摇篮或周期结构。 努力维持单向数据流动。

基于目标的结构从分层结构演变,遵循更为松散的模式。 在此,每个构成部分均为物体(通常称为分配物体)。 这些物体相互交流,使用类似于遥远程序电话的机制,当客户对所分配物体进行约束时,该物体必须将其物体的界面安装到其地址。 太平洋共同体秘书处大楼可以提出申请和安装;收到答复。 同样,服务器上的物体界面是RPC风格的 st。 这些物体基系统的结构并不像组织得当,更像物体图。

散布物体的交接掩盖了其实施情况。 与分层部分一样,如果对接口作出明确定义,内部实施就可以改变——甚至完全取代。 基于目标的结构为培养服务提供了基础。 一个自成一体的实体提供服务,但内部可以利用其他服务。 逐步以目标为本的结构演变成面向服务的结构。

与SOA共同分发的申请由各种服务组成。 这些服务可以跨行政领域提供,可在网上提供(即由云层供应商提供的储存服务)。

随着网络服务普及,越来越多的应用程序开始使用,服务构成(合并服务以形成新的服务)变得更加重要。 与SOA有关的问题之一是,整合不同服务可能会变得极为复杂。

虽然SOAP是一项议定书,但其使用意味着一种面向服务的架构。 《社会行动计划》试图为各种服务提供标准,从而可以形成并易于整合。

Resource-based architectures were a different approach to solving the integration problems of SOA. The idea is to treat the distributed system as a giant collection of resources that are individually managed by components. This led to the development of RESTful architectures. One thing that characterizes RESTful services is stateless execution. This is different than SOA where the server maintains the state.


While REST is simple, it does not provide a simple interface for complex communication schemes. For example, if you are required to use transactions REST is not appropriate, it is better to keep the complex state encapsulated on the server than have the client manage the transaction. But there are many scenarios where the orthogonal use of resources in RESTful architectures greatly simplifies integration of services in what would otherwise mean an explosion of service interfaces. Another tradeoff is resource-based architectures put more complexity on the client & increase traffic over the network while service-based increase the complexity of the server & tax its memory & CPU resources.

Some people have also mentioned common HTTP services or other services that do not satisfy the requirements of RESTful architecture or SOAP. These too can be categorized as either service-based or resource-based. These have the advantage of being simpler to implement. You d only use such an approach if you knew your service will never need to be integrated across administrative domains since this makes no attempt at fixing the integration issues that arise.

这些以吉大港山区为基础的服务,特别是Pseudo-RESTful服务,仍然是最常见的类型。 执行SOAP是复杂的,只有在你确实需要时才加以利用——即,需要一个易于融入各领域的服务,而且你希望这一服务具有相互联系。 还有一些情况需要。 真正的教育服务也难以执行,尽管与《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》并不一样困难。

Web service architectures are frameworks for building and integrating software systems that can communicate over the internet. Here are some of the commonly used web service architectures

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

SOAP is an XML-based messaging protocol used for exchanging structured data between web services. It defines a standardized set of rules and protocols for the format of the request and response messages, as well as the operations that can be performed on the web service.


  • Supports various transport protocols (such as HTTP, SMTP, TCP, and others)

  • 提供可靠的信息和安全特征

  • 可使用任何方案拟定语言


  • Complex messaging structure can make it difficult to use and debug
  • Performance can be slower compared to other architectures
  • Requires more bandwidth and resources


  • Financial systems that require secure and reliable messaging for transactions
  • Healthcare systems that require strict compliance with regulatory standards

<><>>>>> (代表国家转让)

遥感技术是一种建筑风格,它利用高频遥感技术(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)在客户和服务器之间交换数据。 实用的网络服务使用标准的吉大港山区应用方法(如GET、POST、PUT和DELETE),开展由URLs(Uniform Resource Locators)确定的资源(如数据目标)业务。


  • Lightweight and easy to use
  • Provides greater scalability and performance
  • 可使用任何方案拟定语言


  • Limited support for transaction management and security
  • Can be difficult to design a proper API for complex systems
  • No standard messaging format


  • Social media platforms that require quick and efficient data access for large user bases
  • Mobile applications that require low latency and high performance

RPC (Remote Procedure Call)

RPC is a protocol used for communication between applications running on different systems. It allows a client to call a procedure (or method) on a remote server as if it were a local method call.


  • Enables easy integration between different systems and programming languages
  • Provides a simpler and more direct approach to remote method invocation
  • Can be used with any transport protocol


  • Limited support for distributed transactions and security
  • Can be difficult to scale and manage for large systems
  • May require more complex error handling


  • IoT systems that require communication between different devices and protocols
  • Gaming systems that require real-time communication between players


图表 QL是一种问答语,是APIC的操作时间,使客户能够确切地说明他们需要哪些数据,并只收回这些数据。 该系统提供一种灵活而高效的方式,从服务器中取用数据,减少从网络上转移的数据数量。


  • Provides more flexibility and control over data queries
  • Allows for efficient data retrieval and reduces over-fetching
  • 可使用任何方案拟定语言


  • Can be difficult to design and optimize queries for complex systems Limited support for caching and security
  • May require additional development effort compared to traditional REST APIs


  • E-commerce systems that require efficient and flexible data queries for product catalogs and recommendations
  • Analytics platforms that require complex and customized data queries for business intelligence and reporting


WebSocket is a protocol for two-way communication between a client and a server over a single, long-lived connection. It allows real-time, event-driven communication between a client and a server, enabling applications such as chat, gaming, and real-time collaboration.


  • Provides real-time and event-driven communication between client and server
  • Enables efficient communication with low latency and overhead
  • 可使用任何方案拟定语言


  • Requires support for bidirectional communication in the client and server Limited support for routing and security
  • Can be more complex to implement compared to traditional REST APIs


  • Chat and messaging systems that require real-time communication between users
  • Real-time collaboration platforms for video conferencing and document editing

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