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• 妥善整理任何习俗?
原标题:Good way to serialize any custom WCF SecurityToken?

这使我cra笑...... I m 试图用一种源自System.Identity Model. Tokens. Security Token<>code的习俗。

    public class TestSecurityToken : SecurityToken
        public override string Id
        { get { return "123"; } }

        public override ReadOnlyCollection<SecurityKey> SecurityKeys
        { get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<SecurityKey>(new List<SecurityKey>(0)); } }

        public override DateTime ValidFrom
        { get { return DateTime.MinValue; } }

        public override DateTime ValidTo
        {get { return DateTime.MaxValue; } }

        public string Property1 { get; set; }

I know I can write a custom serializer for it that extends WSSecurityTokenSerializer, but I am trying to find a way to do that in a generic way, where I can make a serializer that can serialize any <T> where T : SecurityToken


Attempt 1: Make the SecurityToken a DataContract

public class TestSecurityToken : SecurityToken


Attempt 2: Serialize with an XmlSerializer

public class SecurityTokenSerializer<T> : WSSecurityTokenSerializer where T : SecurityToken
    private readonly XmlSerializer serializer;

    public SecurityTokenSerializer()
        serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof (T));

    protected override void WriteTokenCore(XmlWriter writer, SecurityToken token)
        serializer.Serialize(writer, token);


系统. InvalidOperation 例外: 存在一个反映类型错误 部分。 Services.Core. ServModel. Security TokenSerializer Test. Security Token . 页: 1 无效行动 例外: 为了达到XML的序号,从ICollection继承的类型必须在继承等级的所有层次上实施Add(System.Identity Model. Tokens. SecurityKey)。 System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection'1 [[System.Identity Model. Tokens. SecurityKey, System. 身份模型,第4.0.0版,文化中立,公共Key Token=b77a5c561934e089] Add(System.Identity Model. Tokens. SecurityKey)。

由于这一财产属于我的习惯<代码>。 Security Token:

        public override ReadOnlyCollection<SecurityKey> SecurityKeys
        { get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<SecurityKey>(new List<SecurityKey>(0)); } }

Attempt 3: Same as above, buttries to notes the XmlSerializer toook that SecurityKeys property:

public class SecurityTokenSerializer<T> : WSSecurityTokenSerializer where T : SecurityToken
    private readonly XmlSerializer serializer;

    public SecurityTokenSerializer()
        var xOver = new XmlAttributeOverrides();
        xOver.Add(typeof(T), "SecurityKeys", new XmlAttributes { XmlIgnore = true });
        serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof (T), xOver);

这一错误与以往尝试相同。 它不忽视这一财产。

是否有任何其他想法,说明如何将任何安全编号为XmlReader/XmlWriter? 看来,它本应是简单的,但不是......。


自2006年以来 我没有发现这样做的其他好办法,我最后做的是使我的习惯安全图也实施<条码>六舍五入>,然后将我的序列仪的定义改为:

public class SecurityTokenSerializer<T> : WSSecurityTokenSerializer
    where T : SecurityToken, IXmlSerializable


public class MySecurityToken : SecurityToken, IXmlSerializable

然后,序列器可将序列化权下放给照相担保。 这可能是最清洁的解决办法(我说这违反了单一责任主),但它似乎行之有效,让我不必为每一种习俗写一个序列器。



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