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原标题:Xcode can build a project but can t run it on simulator

When I download a project from the web, sometimes it can be built but doesn t run (XCode -> Product -> Run is disabled, in grey). This never happens when I create projects myself. What could be the problem? Is it somehow connected with version? I m new to iOS development and download projects from the web for studying purposes. It s a pity not to be able to test them on the simulator.



  • It doesn t have a build scheme that knows how to "run". Check at the top next to the Run/Stop buttons that there s a profile name and target device shown. If the box says No Scheme then click on it and create a New Scheme. If there IS a scheme, click on the drop-down menu (left divider in Xcode 4.2+, anywhere on the box otherwise) and go to Edit Scheme to make sure the scheme was set up correctly for Running

  • It doesn t have a build configuration set. You should see this in the Run section of your build scheme. Check there s one selected. If the list is empty, go to the Project icon at the top of the leftmost pane, select the Project, go into the Info section, and create a build configuration, although there should already be at least one if you can build the project

  • www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 它并没有在所有。

  • www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 该指标对Simulator <>/strong>有效,这意味着你可能需要在ArchitecturesValid Constructions上添加i386

  • www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 具体目标对目前连接的装置是有效的。 为此,将核查部署目标编号,使之足以适用于<编码>iOS的装置。

  • www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm X编码可看相关装置。 Try unplugging and plugging it Back. 如果仍然不承认,你可能没有在X条码中添加这种编号(Window-> 装置-> 选择装置-> 用于发展)。


• 确保在其Edit计划(在你的项目名称旁边的Cooton->Edit计划)中,在Run menu甄选信息表格中,选择你的申请为可执行。 我选择了这一问题,在重新确定项目名称和重新配置建筑目标之后,选择了“None”。

您可以下载一个项目,即部署环境(宇宙版)高于你的密码支持。 如果是你的情况,你有两个选择来回避问题。

  1. try run the project in a older deployment option. follow these instructions ( if the project just setting to a higher version but not using any feature of the higher version. this approach should work): select project file in xcode > select the target you are going to run > select summary tab > in section iOS Application Target > in the combo box about Deployment Target select the version that your Xcode support. and then you could select and run the project in the simulator.

  2. 如果项目剂量使用特点在较高版本中,那么,你应当更新你的剂量。 为了管理该项目,X代码。


在我的案件中,问题确实很简单,我需要检查“Launch:自动”检查“product > Plan > Edit 计划”的菜单。

When this setting wasn t checked I cannot find App icon in simulator to launch application.

在My Case Sole by Go-> Project->Architectures->Architecture=select standard structure(armv7,arm64)......

页: 1

Go->Target->Architectures->Architecture=select standard structure (armv7,arm64).

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