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原标题:What am I doing wrong with Django static files?

我是第一次撰写达詹戈时,如果我对事情稍感 behind的话,我就这样说了。

这里摘自我的背景。 py:

STATIC_ROOT = os.getcwd().replace( \ , / ) +  /static 

STATIC_URL =  /static_files/ 

    os.getcwd().replace( \ , / ) +  /static 

     django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder ,
     django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder ,

注:我希望os.getcwd(>.行文。 我相信,这不是我的问题,但请允许我知道,这是一个问题。 在我部署时,它为当地发展中国家的利益而占据了位置,因此,在我部署时,它不会对留在那里感到担忧。

My first issue is that template variables don t seem to be working.

An excerpt from my main template file:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ STATIC_URL|default: /static_files/  }}css/base.css" />

我最初刚刚在这里有<条码>{ STAT_URL ± /code>,但这只是没有回去,因此我尝试增加<条码>。 这确实成功地产生了由此产生的超文本的特制,但还是做了一些工作,使我注意到我的第二个(更重要、更诚实)问题。

I can t get static files to work at all. I have tried several different methods here. I have tried putting absolute and relative paths (in various combinations) in each of the above STATIC_* variables, I have tried using the equivalent MEDIA_URL vars instead, and I have tried putting the following into my urls.py:

urlpatterns = (  ,

    # ...

    (r ^static_files/(?P<path>.*)$ , 
         serve , {
             document_root :  /path/to/django/dir/static_files/ ,
             show_indexes : True 

(I grabbed the above snippet from http://www.arthurkoziel.com/ 2008/09/02/handling-static-files-django/)

现在,我要指出,我希望,一旦最初的杰夫完成,我将最终从一个平行的阿帕奇进程获得固定的档案,但我仍然真心想知道我做错做什么。 我在网上或StackOverflow的静态档案中找到了一种像样的全面的理论。


http://www.un.org。 如果有重要的话,我正在视窗7,使用2.7。


一种可能性 - STATIC_URL获胜 t,除非你重新通过请求书刊。


return render_to_response(template, context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))


return render(request, template, context)



    os.getcwd().replace( \ , / ) +  /static 


    os.getcwd().replace( \ , / ) +  /static ,

EDIT 2. 更为可能的解决方案

You can delete STATICFILES_FINDERS. You only have it set 纽约总部the default, so unless you intend 纽约总部expand it later on, get rid of it (one less thing 纽约总部go wrong).

You can also get rid of the urlpatterns entry. Not necessary.

Your STATIC_ROOT is probably incorrect. This should be the place where Django will gather all the static files from across your project (including the directories described in STATICFILES_DIRS) when you move 纽约总部production.

An example from a typical settings.py of mine:

PROJECT_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)

STATIC_URL =  /static/ 

    os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR,  static ),

STATIC_ROOT =  /var/www/myproject_staticfiles/ 


If you want 纽约总部test whether Django is finding and placing your static files correctly, try running

python manage.py collectstatic

In my case, that would go through my project directories, find all the static files, then copy them across 纽约总部 /var/www/myproject_staticfiles/ , where I can host them with apache.

The Django dev server automagically serves static files from within your project folder, so no collect_static is required while in dev. You don t even need 纽约总部set STATIC_ROOT until you go in纽约总部production.



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