English 中文(简体)
MVC 3 ValidationMessageFor() 否
原标题:MVC 3 ValidationMessageFor() Does Not Appear

我愿以d-mmm-yyyyy的形式强制执行日期。 Im利用以下员额作为指南:


Problem: The ValidationMessageFor text will not display (both on postback and client side). 任何建议?


《刑法》中包含“Darin-Demintrov”的答复,现在该法典正在发挥作用。 请注意,验证电文在抽取日期后一直有效。 为了解决这一问题,我必须按下面的回答处理Change(Change)(日期)事件。

View model property:

    [Required(ErrorMessage = "* required")]
    [Display(Name = "Event Date")]
    public DateTime EventDate { get; set; }

<>PpcDate ValidationAttribute par:

public class PpcDateAttribute : ValidationAttribute, IClientValidatable, IMetadataAware
    /// <summary>
    /// Any valid DateTime is fine; 
    /// the regex verification only happens on the client
    /// </summary>
    public override bool IsValid(object value)
        if (value == null || (value is DateTime))
            return true;
            return false;

    public override string FormatErrorMessage(string name)
        return string.Format("{0} must be in the form dd-mmm-yyyy", name);

    #region IClientValidatable Members

    public IEnumerable<ModelClientValidationRule> GetClientValidationRules(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context)
        yield return new ModelClientValidationRule
            ErrorMessage = FormatErrorMessage(metadata.DisplayName),
            ValidationType = "ppcdate"


    #region IMetadataAware Members

    public void OnMetadataCreated(ModelMetadata metadata)
        metadata.DataTypeName = "Date";


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 观点:

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.EventDate)
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.EventDate)

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm j:

(function ($) {
    // The validator function
    $.validator.addMethod( ppcdate , function (value) {
        if (!value) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return /^d{2}-w{3}-d{4}$/.test(value);


    // The adapter to support ASP.NET MVC unobtrusive validation
    $.validator.unobtrusive.adapters.add( ppcdate , [], function (options) {

        // EDIT: Add next line per Darin s answer below.  
        options.rules[ ppcdate ] = true;

        if (options.message) {
            options.messages[ ppcdate ] = options.message;
} (jQuery));

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 由此得出的“html”肯定是正确的?

Note that the data-val-ppcdate attribute appears as expected...

<div class="t-widget t-datepicker">
  <div class="t-picker-wrap">
    <input autocomplete="off" class="t-input valid" data-val="true" data-val-ppcdate="Event Date must be in the form dd-mmm-yyyy" data-val-required="* required" id="EventDate" name="EventDate" value="28-Sep-2011" type="text">
    <span class="t-select">
      <span class="t-icon t-icon-calendar" title="Open the calendar">Open the calendar</span>  
<span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="EventDate" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>



You forgot to register the rule and your custom ppcdate validation method never fires:

$.validator.unobtrusive.adapters.add( ppcdate , [], function (options) {
    if (options.message) {
        // This is what associates the adapter with the custom validation method
        options.rules[ ppcdate ] = options.params;
        options.messages[ ppcdate ] = options.message;

Here s a full example.


Load up fiddler and see if You CSS file is notloading. 我知道,如果CSS确实装上了一定负荷,那么我就不得不假设这一点同样适用于个人验证项目。

Darin的答复解释了为什么该规则没有发射。 另外一个qui点是,当Change(Change)事件日报发生火灾时,我不得不强行确认。 否则,只有在用户点击或标的直线<>/em>日期投入时才进行验证。 如果他们开放并关闭日期,则验证信息仍然有效,即使日期有效。 I m 采用Telerik控制,因此,它喜欢:

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 日期:ascx案 (Date control):

<%= Html.Telerik().DatePickerFor(m => m)
    .Value(ViewData["selectedDate"] as DateTime?)
    .ClientEvents(e => { e.OnChange("PPC_validateTelerikDate"); })


    Force validation to run on the target input.  
    This function allows one to validate when the date picker changes.
    Otherwise, validation only runs when clicking the input element directly
    or tabbing through.
function PPC_validateTelerikDate(e) {
    // get the form validation object
    var val = $(e.target.form).validate();
    // now validate the target

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