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How can I add a new user story state in Rally?
  • 时间:2011-10-18 10:07:34
  •  标签:
  • rally

How can I add a new user story state in Rally? i.e defined, complete, accepted, custom state


Rally Knowledge Base article "Modifying Schedule States":


  • Login to Rally as a Subscription or Workspace administrator
  • Click on "Setup" (top right)
  • Click on the "Workspaces & Projects" tab
  • Find your Workspace in the list and click on it
  • Click on "Work Products & Fields" (left column)
  • In the "Work Product Type:" pull-down (near top left), select "User Story"
  • In the list, find "Schedule State", click on the edit icon (far right)
  • In the "Edit Field" pop-up, select "Custom (1)" in the "Drop Down List Values" box
  • In the box beneath "Value" enter "Custom State" (or whatever name you want)
  • Check the box under "Enabled"
  • Click on the green checkmark icon ("Update Value" mouseover) to the right under "Actions"
  • Click "Save & Close" (bottom of window)


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