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• 如何做我解说的。 WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions?
原标题:How do I debug javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions?


<a id="dnn_ctr1587_EditEventsCalendar_cmdUpdateReturn" title="Update &amp; Return" class="CommandButton" href= javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("dnn$ctr1587$EditEventsCalendar$cmdUpdateReturn", "", true, "", "", false, true)) >Update &amp; Return</a>




  1. I clicked the wrench in the upper right.
  2. I went to tools --> JavaScript Console
  3. Above the sourcecode view is a dropdown listing files. I searched through each file for WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions (I had to hit enter in the search box on each file to get the search results to refresh)
  4. It ended up in ScriptResource.axd line 29 was returning false. I looked in the watch window and was able to see the name of the control firing the error.

P.S. 最初,我与Fox公司进行了脱.。 java的文字在一条线上显示。 Chrome光显示,它很幸运,因此,我可以告诉正在发生什么。



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