English 中文(简体)
原标题:Backbone: how to reuse a view rendered during page load


  1. During app load, I render a view which shows the list of folders user has created. this view is invisible on page load.
  2. then user navigates to his home page to see a list of urls
  3. from there, user can arrange the urls in folders
  4. user clicks the Move to folder icon in URL view
  5. I want to display the folderSelectorView absolute positioned below the Move to Folder icon. How can I do that?
  6. Also if the url has already been moved to a folder, I want a checked sign to appear in the folderSelectorView in the folder where the url has been moved to.



var folderColl = new FolderColl();
new FolderSelectorView({collection: folderColl});

The Code for URL view.

URLView = Backbone.View.extend({
    tagName:  li ,
    template: _.template($( #URLTempalte ).html()),
    events: {
         click .FolderChange :  showFolderSelector 

    initialize: function() {
        _.bindAll(this,  render );

    render: function() {
        return $(this.el).html(this.template(this.model.toJSON()));

    showFolderSelector: function() {
       // How should I display the view here
       // view should display below the "Move to folder" icon
       // Doing something like `new FolderSelectorView` is not what I m after
       // since that will just re-render the view for every URL displayed

你可以轻而易举地对现有的超文本部分寄以主意。 你们需要做的是通过<代码>el,以供查阅。 <el>可以是你想要的东西,包括通过j Query 挑选人发现的现有html要素。

var myEl = $("#someElementOnThePage");
var myView = new MyView({
  el: myEl

This will attach your view to the #someElementOnThePage element, and you can then use it as if you had rendered it yourself.




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