English 中文(简体)
原标题:Is there a way to compute gradients on unstructured coordinates with Numpy?


I want to find the gradient of A in the y dimension. This can be done easily with NumPy:

www.un.org/spanish/ga Ady = np.gradient(A, Y, axis=1)


但是,如果<代码>,这便成为非属物。 Y无结构。 这就是说,每个固定职位的数据“栏目”<代码>(x, z) = (Xi, Zi)都有一套独特的<代码>y坐标。 例如:

A = np.random.random((10, 10, 10))

X = np.arange(10)
Y = np.sort(np.random.random((10, 10, 10)), axis=1)
Z = np.arange(10)

The result above is a 3D dataset A, defined on a structured set of X and Z coordinates, while the value of the Y coordinate is unique for every data point (but is of course monotonic in the y dimension). I want to estimate dA/dy via finite differences.

基本上,我试图把许多独立栏目分级。 是否有办法用NumPy来宣传这一问题? 我尝试了以下迭代办法,但进展缓慢:

# A is the 3D dataset
# Y is the 3D dataset with shape matching that of A; gives the y-position of each datapoint in A
NX, NY, NZ = A.shape[0], A.shape[1], A.shape[2]
dA_dy = np.zeros((NX, NY, NZ))
for i in range(NX):
    for k in range(NZ):
        dA_dy[i, :, k] = np.gradient(A[i,:,k], Y[i,:,k])


dA_dy = np.gradient(A, axis=1) / np.gradient(Y, axis=1)


g = np.array([1, 5, 6, 10])  # an unstructured coordinate
f = g**2                     # function value on the points x
grad1 = np.gradient(f, g)                # df/dg
grad2 = np.gradient(f) / np.gradient(g)  # df/dg?

我只获得<代码>grad1=grad2,用于少数简单的线性功能,但并非上述功能。 现在我很想知道,从理论上来说,为什么链条规则一般不赞成以有限差异估算的衍生物。



I only get grad1=grad2 for a few simple linear functions


# np.gradient(f) is equivalent to:
>>> np.gradient(f, np.arange(f.size))
array([24. , 17.5, 37.5, 64. ])

# np.gradient(x) is equivalent to:
>>> np.gradient(x, np.arange(x.size))
array([4. , 2.5, 2.5, 4. ])

# so np.gradient(f) / np.gradient(x) is equivalent to:
>>> np.gradient(f, np.arange(f.size)) / np.gradient(x, np.arange(f.size))
array([ 6.,  7., 15., 16.])

如果x为单吨,grad1等于grad2 即便职能<代码>f不是线性:

x = np.array([1, 3, 5, 7])
f = x**2
grad1 = np.gradient(f, x)
grad2 = np.gradient(f) / np.gradient(x)


>>> grad1 == grad2
array([ True,  True,  True,  True])

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