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蚊帐芯片:根据装入AddBearer Token的参数,产生 j。
原标题:.net core: generate jwt token based on parameters passed into AddBearerToken



services.AddAuthentication().AddJwtBearer(o =>
    o.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
        IssuerSigningKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(configuration["secrets"]))

Next step all documentations I have seen talk about is: in order to generate the token, use some helper classes and pass the configurations such as secrets and issuer again. This never made much sense to me. Since the AddJwtBearer function has already taken in all configurations, isn t there a function as straightforward as httpContext.GenerateJwt(new Claims[]{}) that would generate the token? Why would we need to use so much boilerplate?

我自那以来就一直在寻找这样的职能。 NET 2.0。 我创立了一个新集团,以完成这项工作(我知道我所谈论的内容是可行和直截了当的)。 然而,NuGet公司不再工作。 NET 6.0。 我不想确定我的NuGet,而是想检查一下。 NET Core有一个清洁的解决方案,可以生成JWT信号。


“AddJwtBearer tokenhandler”只是用于接收APIC信号的APIC。 没有任何逻辑可以产生《维也纳条约法公约》。 JWT 标的通常是由贵重供应商(如身份识别器)生成的。


If you want to generate your own token for testing, then there is a tool called user-jwts. Manage JSON Web Tokens in development with dotnet user-jwts

I also have a set of blog posts about the JWtBearer handler here: https://nestenius.se/2023/02/21/troubleshooting-jwtbearer-authentication-problems-in-asp-net-core/

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