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c 点人理解问题
原标题:c pointer understanding issue
  • 时间:2011-10-21 20:52:32
  •  标签:
  • c
  • pointers

Please have a look at the following code and tell me where does ***ptr locates ? i.e. i have a feelings that ***ptr actually locates at ptr[0][0][0] Am I wrong ? The following is a 3d representation of pointer. where I am trying to assign some characters and later i wanted to test what is the index of ***ptr? will be waiting

#define row 5
#define rw 3
#define col 10

char ***ptr;
int i,j,k;

void main()


ptr=(char *)malloc(row*sizeof(char *));

        *(ptr+row)=(char *)malloc(rw*sizeof(char *));
        printf("	:

           *(*(ptr+row)+rw)=(char *)malloc(col*sizeof(char *));
           if(i==0 && j==0)
               {       //   *(*(ptr+row)+rw)="kabul";

           printf("	address=%d %d%d = %s



printf("%c %d",***ptr,ptr);


回答您的问题,是:ptr[0][0][0]***ptr的同义词。 由于<代码>a[b]按定义等于*(a+b),因此<代码>ptr[0]等于<代码>_ptr等。

页: 1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#define row 5
#define rw 3
#define col 10

char ***ptr;

int main()
    int i, j;

    ptr = (char***)malloc(row * sizeof(char **));

    for(i = 0; i < row; i++)
        ptr[i]= (char**)malloc(rw * sizeof(char *));
        printf("	:

        for(j = 0; j < rw; j++)
            ptr[i][j] = (char*)malloc(col * sizeof(char));
            if (i == 0 && j == 0)
                strcpy(ptr[i][j], "zzz");
                strcpy(ptr[i][j], "abul");
            printf("	address=%p %d,%d = %s
", ptr[i][j], i, j, ptr[i][j]);



  • Never write void main in C or C++. And throw away any book that prints it.
  • The argument of malloc is usually the number of elements times the size of the element. Place special attention to the real type that you intend to use.
  • The return of malloc is usually cast to the type pointer-to-the-type-of-the-element.
  • The index in the arrays should be i and j, not row and rw.
  • Why all the *(ptr + x) stuff? That s why we have the ptr[x] syntax.
  • You probably want to use strcpy to fill your strings, but difficult to say without explaining the problem.
  • When you want to printf a pointer, use %p.
  • If you use malloc, include <stdlib.h>.
  • Prefer local variables (i, j) to global ones, particularly for loops.
  • And a few other minor changes here and there...

PS:<conio.h>? 真的? 你们是否仍在使用Turbo-C或什么?

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