English 中文(简体)
原标题:Why can t you name an object, which is created in a function, exactly the same as it s class-name in Python?

I m 在Jupyter笔记本中安排黑人杰克比赛,因为我有一个“演员”和“dealer”级,并且还有一种功能(黑帮)(BlackJack(BlackJack()),基本运行整个游戏。

def BlackJack():   
    name = input("What is your name: ")
    while True:
            money = int(input(f"Welcome to our casino Black Jack game {name}!How big is your balance in € : "))
        except ValueErr或:
            print("Just give me a number: ")
            print("Ok, let s start!")
    player = player(name, money) # player() class
    dealer = dealer()            # dealer() class


www.un.或g/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 错误信息:

What is your name: "Richard"
Welcome to our casino Black Jack game "Richard"!How big is your balance in € : 19163
Ok, let s start!
UnboundLocalErr或                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-55-3c92f609e237> in <module>
----> 1 BlackJack()

<ipython-input-54-57fc63786581> in BlackJack()
      9             print("Ok, let s start!")
     10             break
---> 11     player = player(name, money)
     12     dealer = dealer()

UnboundLocalErr或: local variable  player  referenced bef或e assignment


def BlackJack():   
    name = input("What is your name: ")
    while True:
            money = int(input(f"Welcome to our casino Black Jack game {name}!How big is your balance in € : "))
        except ValueErr或:
            print("Just give me a number: ")
            print("Ok, Let s Start!")
    plyr = player(name, money)
    dlr = dealer()

player = player("Jimmy", 1200)

Is it just because in a function Python thinks that I want to assign a variable to itself bef或e I ve even assigned the variable (dealer = dealer()), even if they are not actually the same, because one is a variable and the other is a class? So does Python in this case just ign或e the fact that e.g. dealer() is a class instead of the variable "dealer"?


P.S.: I use Python 3.7.4


在一个职能中,在任何地方都指定一个名字,除非该变数在功能上被宣布为全球性的。 鉴于这一变量的价值,试图在你之前提及这一变量是一个错误。

So looking at your code:

player = player(name, money)

The name player is a local changing, and not have a Value. 但你试图把它称作一种功能或阶级。 你可以这样做。

If you use a different name on the left side, as you discovered, player refers to the class you defined and it works.

这是使用资本类别名称的标准风格。 这将解决问题,使你更清楚地认识到,你正在找一个班子。

player = Player(name, money)


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