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原标题:Select ListItem in ListBox based on Text from TextBox

I am trying to select an item in a ListBox based on text entered in a textbox using jquery. If the length of the text entered in the textbox is greater than 1 I would like to loop through the items in the ListBox and compare the value of each item and if it matches the numbers entered in the textbox I need to select/highlight it in the ListBox. Here is what I am doing but doesn t seem to work. The ListBox ListItem s are populated at runtime from the database.


<asp:TextBox ID="txtMediaCode" runat="server" MaxLength="2" Width="40px" />
<asp:ListBox ID="lsMediaCodes" runat="server" Width="296px" />


<script type="text/javascript">

    $(document).ready(function () {

        $( #txtMediaCode ).keyup(function () {
            if ($( #txtMediaCode ).length > 1) {
                $( #lsMediaCodes ).each(function (i, option) {

                    if ($(option).val() == $( #txtMediaCode ).val()) {
                        $(option).attr( selected ,  selected );






Try -

$(document).ready(function() {
    $( #txtMediaCode ).keyup(function() {
        console.log( in )
        if ($( #txtMediaCode ).val().length > 1) {
            $( #lsMediaCodes > option ).each(function(i, option) {
                if ($(option).val() == $( #txtMediaCode ).val()) {
                    $(option).attr( selected ,  selected );


  • It now checks the length of the value in #txtMediaCode textbox rather than how many elements are on the page
  • The each selector has changed to $( #lsMediaCodes > option ).each( this will select all option elements rather than just the list itself

Demo -



selectMediaCode ($("#<%txtMediaCode.ClientID%>").val());

selectMediaCode = function(text){    
    $("#<%=lsMediaCodes.ClientID%> option:contains( " + text + " )").attr("selected", "selected");


selectMediaCode = function(text){     
    $("#<%=lsMediaCodes.ClientID%> option[value= " + text + " ]").attr("selected", "selected"); 



selectMediaCode = function(text){     

你们需要做一些事情才能完成这项工作。 首先,你们需要为任何伙伴关系使用一种像以下的挑选器。 NET控制:

$( #<%= lsMediaCodes.ClientID %> )



当你创建协会时。 该网络在你的项目中控制不构成伙伴关系。 NET,成为超文本。 既然如此,你必须说明每一项控制的结果,就像你想要用javascript/jQuery与其合作一样。

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