English 中文(简体)
原标题:Complicated multi-argument #define macro for strings



投 票

printf(foobar(Hello World.));

1. 如果形成加工前生产法,其内容如下:

printf((char *)(std::string("")+ H + e + l + l + o +   + W + o + r + l + d + . ).c_str());


I NEED IT to BE A MACRO, I DO NOT想要在任何地方保持固定不变。





Uh, I fear it is impossible (unless I don t know something). I believe there is no macro to split a given input token (e.g. Hello) into characters building it (H e l l o)

There were some attempts to do such thing, but I fear it is not exactly what you need:

C++: 宏观将“abc”扩大为“、b、c、

"More powerful precompiler" ?

专题:Replacements for the C preprocessor

Macros are basically substitution or addition of strings. You could do this with a pre-processor of your own, but the standard pre-processor won t split strings into component parts.

How about this: Put all these (assuming there is more than one) macros in a separate file. Write a program that translates them into the expansion you require and then include THAT file in your c program? You could then make the expansion program part of your make file so it s always up to date. Using a separate file makes the expansion program much easier than parsing a c/c++ file.


这是不可能的。 你们必须找到另一种解决办法,解决你们重新努力实现的目标。


#define toString(x) #x


printf("%s", toString(hello world));

Don t试图直接使用插图,因为你在插图中可以有格式的光谱。

printf(toString(hello world)); //wrong, you can have for example %d in the string

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