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原标题:How to copy file and run script based on current date?


Log names are in format exYYMMDD.log. So today (22.10.2011) I would have to copy file named ex111021.log into some directory.

是否有可能用批量书写? 如果我不能够使用权力,但宁愿不在我的服务器上安装。

Edit: With help of Siva Charan I created this (polish win7 - echo %date% prints YYYY-MM-DD)

set /a yest_Day = %date:~8,2%-%var:~-2,1%
copy ex%date:~2,2%%date:~5,2%%yest_Day%.log targetDir

In powerhell :

$YesterdayfileName = [string]::format("{0:yyMMdd}", ((Get-Date).adddays(-1)))+".log
# today 22/20/2011 gives 111021.log

Copy-Item $YesterdayfileName c:	emp


Syntax of Copy Command:

copy sourcefilepath destinationfilepath



copy ex%date:~12,10%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%.log D:

For yesterday s date:

set /a yest_Day = %date:~7,2%-%var:~-2,1%
copy ex%date:~12,10%%date:~4,2%%yest_Day%.log D:



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