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原标题:Integration testing / Unit testing - How to decide

I have controller API methods for which I have to write test case methods. As of now, I ve been writing integration test methods for the project. I m not sure how to frame unit test case methods for API methods like below:


public IHttpActionResult PostCancelEmployee(EmployeeRequest req)
    string id = req.EmployeeId;
    EmployeeDetails mgr = new EmployeeDetails(id);
    response = mgr.CancelEmployeeDetails(req);

如果我撰写一体化测试案例,那么抽样投入/要求参数就会根据数据库变化,导致测试案例失败。 谁能帮助我用Moq框架为这些类型的APIC方法撰写单位测试案例?


微软文件在使用Moq对APIC控制器方法进行单位测试方面有一些很好的例子。 下面是你所领导的控制者可能认为什么的基本例子。


public class EmployeeController : ApiController
    IEmployeeRepository _repository;

    public EmployeeController(IEmployeeRepository repository)
        _repository = repository;

    public IHttpActionResult Get(int id)
        Employee employee = _repository.GetById(id);
        if (employee == null)
            return NotFound();
        return Ok(employee);

    public IHttpActionResult Post(Employee employee)
        return CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = employee.Id }, employee);
    public IHttpActionResult Delete(int id)
        return Ok();

    public IHttpActionResult Put(Employee employee)
        // Do some work (not shown).
        return Content(HttpStatusCode.Accepted, employee);

这里最大的变化是,将“你”类别中的usage与数据库互动,从 娱乐/>。 您的榜样是,在您的APIC方法中,你正在即时推出一个新的<代码>EmployeeDetails。 最好把任何附属物作为接口注入你的控制器,以便能够在你的测试中轻易加以改动。

此处为核查<代码>的单位试验 雇员/编码 方法回归类型和数据:

public void GetReturnsEmployeeWithSameId()
    // Arrange
    var mockRepository = new Mock<IEmployeeRepository>();
    mockRepository.Setup(x => x.GetById(42))
        .Returns(new Employee { Id = 42 });

    var controller = new EmployeeController(mockRepository.Object);

    // Act
    IHttpActionResult actionResult = controller.Get(42);
    var contentResult = actionResult as OkNegotiatedContentResult<Employee>;

    // Assert
    Assert.AreEqual(42, contentResult.Content.Id);



  • The action returns the correct type of response.
  • Invalid parameters return the correct error response.
  • The action calls the correct method on the repository or service layer.
  • If the response includes a domain model, verify the model type.

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