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Unit Test for Exceptions Message

Is there a simple (Attribute-driven) way to have the following test fail on the message of the exception.

public void ExceptionTestTest()
    throw new ArgumentException("BBB");

I would Like to have the test pass if the message in the exception is BBB , but fail if it is anything else. I looked at the second parameter of the ExpectedException attribute, but that is only a message to display in the test report if the Exception type is different.

I know I can try {} catch {} the exception an then assert that the message IsEqual to the message, but that feels clunky.

PS. I m using the built in Unit testing of Visual Studio 2008 (pro)


The built-in stuff in Visual Studio is poor. Take a look at NUnit. It s loads more sophisticated, has syntax helpers that make it easier to specific Asserts, can be run as part of your debugging or stand-alone, has a console runner as well as the UI and so on. I ve been using it for years - it s the business. The Exception message options give flavour of how sophisticated it is:

public enum MessageMatch
    /// Expect an exact match
    /// Expect a message containing the parameter string
    /// Match the regular expression provided as a parameter
    /// Expect a message starting with the parameter string

Don t be put off: it is sophisticated but it s not complicated - it s very easy to get working.


No, that is unfortunately not possible with the current version of MSTest (much to my chagrin).

You may want to look at xUnit.NET s Assert.Throws for inspiration for better alternatives. Here are some pointers.

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