English 中文(简体)
超越{......} 通知,从而获得命令分局,而不是法令?
原标题:Override the {...} notation so i get an OrderedDict() instead of a dict()?

最新信息:为3.7+3 保证维持插入令的法令

I want to use a .py file like a config file. So using the {...} notation I can create a dictionary using strings as keys but the definition order is lost in a standard python dictionary.


我希望,简单地凌驾于命令的构造者之上(dict = OrderedDict)。 工作会奏效,但却没有工作。


dict = OrderedDict
dictname = {
    B key :  value1 ,
    A key :  value2 ,
    C key :  value3 

print dictname.items()


[( B key ,  value1 ), ( A key ,  value2 ), ( C key ,  value3 )]


class _OrderedDictMaker(object):
    def __getitem__(self, keys):
        if not isinstance(keys, tuple):
            keys = (keys,)
        assert all(isinstance(key, slice) for key in keys)

        return OrderedDict([(k.start, k.stop) for k in keys])

ordereddict = _OrderedDictMaker()
from nastyhacks import ordereddict

menu = ordereddict[
   "about" : "about",
   "login" : "login",
    signup : "signup"

<><>Edit>: 另有一些人独立发现这一点,并出版了odictliteral 。 关于PyPI的一揽子计划,提供略微更彻底的执行——,使用该一揽子方案,而不是


为了从字面上获取你要求的东西,你不得不用你档案的yn树dle。 我不认为这样做是可取的,但我不能抵制尝试的诱惑。 因此,我们来到这里。

首先,我们创建了一个功能为my_execfile()的模块,该模块像在execfile(>中建立,但所有词汇显示的出现,例如{3:4,“a”: 2},由以下明确电话取代:dict(<>/code>>,例如。 (当然,我们可以通过电话<代码>采集直接取而代之。) OrderedDict(,但我们不想过分侵扰。 该法典:

import ast

class DictDisplayTransformer(ast.NodeTransformer):
    def visit_Dict(self, node):
        list_node = ast.List(
            [ast.copy_location(ast.Tuple(list(x), ast.Load()), x[0])
             for x in zip(node.keys, node.values)],
        name_node = ast.Name("dict", ast.Load())
        new_node = ast.Call(ast.copy_location(name_node, node),
                            [ast.copy_location(list_node, node)],
                            [], None, None)
        return ast.copy_location(new_node, node)

def my_execfile(filename, globals=None, locals=None):
    if globals is None:
        globals = {}
    if locals is None:
        locals = globals
    node = ast.parse(open(filename).read())
    transformed = DictDisplayTransformer().visit(node)
    exec compile(transformed, filename, "exec") in globals, locals

有了这一修改,我们can<>>>>> /em>修改了字典显示器的行为,改写了<条码>。 例如:

# test.py
from collections import OrderedDict
print {3: 4, "a": 2}
dict = OrderedDict
print {3: 4, "a": 2}


{ a : 2, 3: 4}
OrderedDict([(3, 4), ( a , 2)])

Note that for simplicity, the above code doesn t touch dictionary comprehensions, which should be transformed to generator expressions passed to the dict() constructor. You d need to add a visit_DictComp() method to the DictDisplayTransformer class. Given the above example code, this should be straight-forward.

我再说一遍,我不建议用这种语调。 页: 1 ConfigParser model?

<代码>OrderedDict is not “standard python syntax”,然而,一套定购的关键数值(按标准python syntax)只是:

[( key1 name ,  value1 ), ( key2 name ,  value2 ), ( key3 name ,  value3 )]

明确加入<代码> OrderedDict:

OrderedDict([( key1 name ,  value1 ), ( key2 name ,  value2 ), ( key3 name ,  value3 )])



As of python 3.6, all dictionaries will be ordered by default.


>>>x = { a : 1,  b :2,  c :3 }
[ a ,  b ,  c ]

http://docs.python.org/3.6/whatsnew/3.6.html 新的compact, 命令执行,用于执行这两项命令。


from collections import OrderedDict

class OrderedMap(OrderedDict):
    def __add__(self,other):
        return self

d = OrderedMap()+{1:2}+{4:3}+{"key":"value"}

d 定购单([(1、2)、(4、3)、(关键、价值)]


class OrderedMap(OrderedDict):
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if isinstance(index, slice):
            self[index.start] = index.stop 
            return self
            return OrderedDict.__getitem__(self, index)

d = OrderedMap()[1:2][6:4][4:7]["a":"H"]

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