English 中文(简体)
原标题:How Do I Fix this Return/Global Error?
def subtract(num):
    string = str(num)
    a = string[0]
    b = string[1]
    c = string[2]
    large = max(a, b, c)
    small = min(a,b,c)
    summation = int(a) + int(b) + int(c)
    mid = summation - int(large) - int(small)
    mid2 = str(mid)
    ascend = large + mid2 + small
    descend = small + mid2 + large
    print( The digits in ascending order are , ascend)
    print( The digits in descending order are , descend)
    value = int(descend) - int(ascend)
    return value
def main():
    dummy = input( Type a three digit integer, please.
    if not len(dummy) == 3:
        print( Error! )
    elif not dummy.isdigit():
        print( Error! )
    if len(dummy) == 3 and dummy.isdigit():
        print( The value of the digits in descending order minus the digits in ascending order is , value)


Type a three digit integer, please.
The digits in ascending order are 321
The digits in descending order are 123
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/philvollman/Documents/NYU/Freshman /Fall Semester/Intro to Computer Programming/Assignments/Homework5PartA.py", line 29, in <module>
File "/Users/philvollman/Documents/NYU/Freshman /Fall Semester/Intro to Computer Programming/Assignments/Homework5PartA.py", line 28, in main
print( The value of the digits in descending order minus the digits in ascending order is , value2)
NameError: global name  value2  is not defined



在<代码>印/代码>末的<>印/代码>上,请参阅<编码>> 值/代码>未在<代码>>>中界定的变量。 因此错误。 或许,你打算保留从电话到/subtract的回馈价值:

value = subtract(dummy)
print( The value ... is , value)


我认为,你的基本误解涉及如何恢复价值。 当你称之为一种回报价值的职能时,你必须把这一价值分配给称呼范围空间中的东西。

So when you wrote


a 价值被退回,但由于你没有把它分配给任何东西,这一价值被遗忘。


value = subtract(dummy)

<代码>return Value, at the end of their functionsubtract make that Value Available to the callser, it doesn t magically sent it into the callser s namespace.


value2 = subtract(dummy)



So either do

print( The value of the digits in descending 或der minus the digits in ascending 或der is , subtract(dummy))

value = subtract(dummy)
print( The value of the digits in descending 或der minus the digits in ascending 或der is , value)


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