English 中文(简体)
原标题:problems with buttons in as3

i have two buttons, each half the width of the screen and both the entire height of the stage. So one button would be on the left of screen and the other, the right. I have eventlisteners for both when the buttons are pressed and released.
My problem is that if i click one button and drag to the other side, the event take it that the mouse is not released.
For example the right button should make my character fly, so when i click on it, it flies and if i drag my mouse to the left button and release, my character continues flying. I believe this is due to the right button being unable to detect the mouse up when its off the button shape. Is there any way around it?


评 注

<代码>MouseEvent。 MemorandumSE_OUT

When you start dragging (MOUSE_DOWN) set a isCurrentlyDragging boolean to true (defined outside of the event handler function of course). On MOUSE_OUT if it is currently dragging then decide wether to handle it as a MOUSE_UP.

On MOUSE_UP and on MOUSE_OUT set isCurrentlyDragging = false;



我这样做是为了增加全球的 mo。 更新名单;

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);
function mouseUpHandler(e:Event) {
  if( _clickedObject ) _clickedObject.dispatchEvent(new Event("releasedOutsideEvent"));

之后,在我的备忘录中, DOWN 操作员

_clickedObject = e.target;

and in the MOUSE_UP handler

_clickeObject = null;

或像这样的东西。 可能会有两点左右,但应该工作。

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