English 中文(简体)
原标题:Flashvars is undefined

我正试图利用闪电var把参数传给我的手。 我是用Swafobject来embe。 然而,我无法在 file夫档案中查阅这些闪电。 几周来我一直对此感到不安。 我搜索了互联网、手工艺文件以及与这个问题有关的其他问题。

Here is my js code using the swfobject to embed the swf file.

<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.name1 = "hello";
swfobject.embedSWF("Comics.swf", "myContent", "950", "650","9.0.0","expressInstall.swf", flashvars, flashvars,flashvars);


<div id="myContent"></div>

The swf is embedded fine and produces the following

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name1="hello" data="Comics.swf" width="950" height="650" id="myContent" style="visibility: visible; ">
    <param name="name1" value="hello">
    <param name="flashvars" value="name1=hello">

Again, the swf is embedded fine. I can see the content but the flashvars seems to be null. Here is my flash code that tries to access the flashvars

var flashVars = root.loaderInfo.parameters;
addChild(Util.newLabel("  FlashVars: " + flashVars+" "+root.loaderInfo,0,0,400,100,12,0x0));        

var y=0;
for(var i in flashVars){

Util是一种习俗类I,即新劳工(包括:String,x:Number,y:Number,w:Number,h:Number,fontSize:uint, 彩色:uint)是一种回归标签成分的方法,其字体为正文,x 和 y 作为其所在地,w 及其尺寸等。 很有理由相信,这种残割是徒劳的,因此,我想知道我如何真正装上闪 flash?


PS:上面的闪电代码在主要时间段(使用闪电灯汇编我的代码)中编号,而Util则作为档案保存。 主要时间表的第一个框架的基本目标是[目标主要时间线]。

Let me know if you need more info. Thanks in advance.


闪电通过在URL内部或通过闪电中吸收变数来捕获这些变量,这些变量是关键/价值。 基本上,如果你有这样一席之地:


试 测 可变性是关键因素,101是价值,你可以得出以下这些关键/价值。

    //creating a textfield for debugging
var _textField:TextField = new TextField();
_textField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
_textField.border = true;

//flashvars code
try {
    var valueString:String;
    var keyString:String;
    var paramObj:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;
    for (keyString in paramObj) {
        valueString = String(paramObj[keyString]);
        _textField.appendText("	" + keyString + ":	" + valueString + "
}catch (error:Error) {

希望这一帮助, 卡车



import flash.text.TextField;

var myTextField:TextField = new TextField();    

var flashVars = root.loaderInfo.parameters;

myTextField.text = flashVars["name1"]+"!";


And when I open the HTML page I get a nice "hello!" on the screen as expected. Obviously I couldn t try your label creator component, but the line would be:

addChild(Util.newLabel(flashVars["name1"]+"!",0,0,400,100,12,0x0) );        



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