I came across some problem with playing with grep ; and probably about grepping a tab. I have two files shown as below, both of which are tab-delimited.
chr1 3392391 3658426 DEL chr1 3392364 3658425 DEL
chr1 4011952 4392064 DEL chr1 4011953 4392062 DEL
chr1 4468526 4665322 DEL chr1 4468523 4665322 DEL
chr1 2612264 2613324 DEL chr1 2612205 2613007 DEL
chr1 3392391 3658426 DEL chr1 3392391 3658426 DEL
chr1 4011952 4392064 DEL chr1 4011953 4392060 DEL
cat FC_DEL_50r.bed |grep `cat FM_DEL_50r.bed |head -2|tail -1|awk {print $2" "$3} `
grep: 4392064: No such file or directory
I Trial cat _DEL_DEL_bed head hexachloro FM-1FMkprint{ 2, “$3}
, 实际操作和产出401 1952 4392064
So maybe we cannot grep format like number" "number"? thx
edit: how stupid I am. I should use double-quotes..........(I first used single-quote and didn t work...)
cat FC_DEL_50r.bed |grep "`cat FM_DEL_50r.bed |head -2|tail -1|awk {print $2" "$3} `"
Follow-up questions: I wrote a bash script, based on the questions above:
LINE=`head -$c FM_DEL_50r.bed|tail -1`
P1=`cat $LINE|awk {print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3} `
GREP1=`cat FC_DEL_50r.bed |grep "$P1"`
X1=`cat $GREP1 |awk {print $5"\t"$6"\t"$7} `
P2=`cat $LINE|awk {print $5"\t"$6"\t"$7} `
GREP2=`cat MC_DEL_50r.bed |grep "$P2"`
X2=`cat $GREP2 |awk {print $5"\t"$6"\t"$7} `
if [ $X1 -eq $X2 ]
echo "$LINE" "$X1"
cat: chr1: No such file or directory
cat: 27122653: No such file or directory
cat: 27446984: No such file or directory
cat: DEL: No such file or directory
cat: chr1: No such file or directory
cat: 27880115: No such file or directory
cat: 28225069: No such file or directory
cat: DEL: No such file or directory
Seems it splits all columns of one line and cannot recognize them. What s the problem this time? thx