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原标题:Phone Number Validation in Multiple Countries [closed]



I need a separate phone number validation expression for each of the following:

  • Germany
  • US
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Canada
  • Asia
  • France



Instead of making an elaborate regular expression to match how you think your visitor will input their phone number, try a different approach. Take the phone number input and strip out the symbols. Then the regular expression can be simple and just check for 10 numeric digits (US number, for example). Then if you need to save the phone number in a consistent format, build that format off of the 10 digits.


protected bool IsValidPhone(string strPhoneInput)
// Remove symbols (dash, space and parentheses, etc.)
string strPhone = Regex.Replace(strPhoneInput, @”[- ()*!]“, String.Empty);

// Check for exactly 10 numbers left over
Regex regTenDigits = new Regex(@”^d{10}$”); 
Match matTenDigits = regTenDigits.Match(strPhone);

return matTenDigits.Success;





I d go with [0-9+][0-9() ]* -- this simply allows any digit to start (or the "+" character), then any combination of digits or parentheses or spaces.

总的说来,任何进一步的验证都不会真正得到很大利用。 如果该网页的用户希望通过电话联系,他们就会打上有效的电话号码——如果不是的话,他们就会打赢。


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