from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
def getDummyData(x):
This function is a dummy which simulates a delayed result and
returns a Deferred which will fire with that result. Don t try too
hard to understand this.
d = defer.Deferred()
# simulate a delayed result by asking the reactor to fire the
# Deferred in 2 seconds time with the result x * 3
reactor.callLater(2, d.callback, x * 3)
return d
def printData(d):
Data handling function to be added as a callback: handles the
data by printing the result
raise ValueError( IIIGGAA )
print d
def nextCall(d):
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
d = getDummyData(3)
# manually set up the end of the process by asking the reactor to
# stop itself in 4 seconds time
reactor.callLater(1, reactor.stop)
# start up the Twisted reactor (event loop handler) manually
接下来的职能——从来不是呼吁。 因此,我找不到我的价值观。