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Backbone.js, ASP.NET, WCF Service, JSON
原标题:Backbone.js, ASP.NET, WCF Service, JSON

I m about to create a small web app on Asp.Net 3.5. Thought this time maybe I should try using Backbone.js.. Is it practical/easy to implement? I ve just spent the whole day trying to set up a WCF Service to return Json without positive results. I would love to hear the best path for implementation from someone who has already used Backbone.js with Asp.Net. Alternatively I would love to hear of alternatives that are easy to integrate with Asp.Net.


I ve just spent the whole day trying to set up a WCF Service to return Json without positive results.

查阅this tutorial,是简短的。

Thought this time maybe I should try using Backbone.js.. Is it practical/easy to implement?

......与往常一样,它基本上取决于你想要做什么。 如果你想要在客户守则中实施MVC模式,那么,如果你目前的目标只是利用 Java文制作和消费一个WCF服务,你可以考虑使用 j鱼或MooTools,然后在需要时转用。

PS Here and here you ll find two quickstart backbone tutorials.

http://www.asp.net/downloads/starter-kits/wcf-rest”rel=“nofollow” WCF RESTstarter Kit Project Templates, to have WCF with JSON support up and operation Immediate.

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