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ms 查询文本
原标题:ms search text ifilter

I m a newbie inMS Care so forgive the dumb question :-

I m storing a large amount of specialized text files for a card game (bridge). These files are plain textfiles with a specific format to describe a bridge game played in a championship. The only difference with a regular .txt file is the file extension that is NOT ".txt" but ".lin"


Is this possible by copy/pasting an existing filter and tweaking (tampering) its content? Or do I have to use c# to edit the iFilter and recompile?


Windows 7 SDK有一部关于化联的样本,对于你所要做的事情来说,这将是一份良好的蓝印。 它包含一个名为“SmpFilt”的项目。 守则显示,在习俗档案延期的情况下,对文本档案进行分类。 你们需要修改该法典,以改写你的文字,并从你的林档案中删除任何习俗属性。

不幸的是,你不能再用管理代码(C#/VB等)建立习俗联合会。 样本项目为++。 视窗7和服务器2008年赢得了按管理代码撰写的装货机。

Good luck.



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