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请求。 表格 超文本+ 选定多个箱值
原标题:Request.Form HTML + select multiple box values

I am trying to get values from a select multiple box like this but the breakpoint at For Each Item in box is nothing, what am I doing wrong? Please advice, thanks:

   Dim box = Request.Form("outletToBox")
     For Each item In box
         Dim abc As String = item.ToString
         Dim cdf As String = abc


 <select multiple size="8" style="width: 135px" runat="server" onblur="selectAll(this, true, document.getElementById( <%#uilblDestinationQualOutlet.ClientID%> ))"
    id="outletToBox" onclick="return outletToBox_onclick()">

Actual no name parameter is specified in your HTML. That s why is nothing. And also, if you re using MVC or something else, be careful that the name parameter will be given from the webapp itself, so your Request.Form("mykeyhere") will be invalid.


  • give a proper name attribute to your select item or,
  • use outletToBox.SelectedItems where you read your Post data.

you can try like this....

for i=0 to Request.form("listbox name").count-1
listboxvalue=Request.form("listbox name").item(i)
 Response.write listboxvalue & "<br>"

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