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原标题:android _Displaying a record from a sqlite database


               name    favorite_color       favorite_team  
               sue        red                  Dal
               mike       blue                 Mia
               sam        purple               Bal

My problem is that most of the tutorials that I have come across only demonstrates examples using a table with one column. What if my pre-populated database more then on column? What if it had 100 columns? Does anyone know how this is done?????



步骤1:DeclarekouiteDatabase,Declare Databasehelper



        String query="select * from my_table_name where _id="+rowid;
        Cursor myCursor = database.rawQuery(query,null);
        //This line implies i am getting data from column four of selected row
        String x=myCursor.getString(4);
        //This line implies i am getting data from column two of selected row
        String y=myCursor.getString(4);

Note: a)Don t forget that your database size must not exceed 1.2mb

b) 包括一个名称栏,每个表格的自动安装可使用qlite浏览器。

c) 还在贵数据库中设立以下表格:

CREATE TABLE "android_metadata" ("locale" TEXT DEFAULT  en_US )


INSERT INTO "android_metadata" VALUES ( en_US )

this。 获取散射信息的另一个途径是使用类似于点燃的口服避孕药。 I m在i ve开发的各种器具中使用,而且使用简单。

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