English 中文(简体)
原标题:POST arrays not showing unchecked Checkboxes



<form name= foo  method= post  action=  >
          <td class= bla >Checkbox: <input type= checkbox  name= cBox[] /></td>
          <td class= bla >Checkbox: <input type= checkbox  name= cBox[] /></td>
          <td class= bla >Checkbox: <input type= checkbox  name= cBox[] /></td>


现在,问题。 让我们说,第一个检查箱没有受到检查,最后2个检查箱也受到检查。 在我产出价值时(使用购买力平价打印机进行分解),我将:

Array ( [0] => on [1] => on)


I have seen some solutions where a hidden variable is passed with each checkbox, but can this solution be implemented in my situation (using arrays)?



If you are in a situation where you need to submit an exact number of elements as an array, why don t you do the same thing you do when there s an id of some sort associated with each checkbox? Just include the PHP array key name as part of the <input> element s name:

                                                       <!-- NOTE [0] --->
      <td class= bla >Checkbox: <input type= checkbox  name= cBox[0] /></td>
      <td class= bla >Checkbox: <input type= checkbox  name= cBox[1] /></td>
      <td class= bla >Checkbox: <input type= checkbox  name= cBox[2] /></td>

这仍然使你面临这样的问题:在阵列中,箱子仍然不会存在。 这可能或不会成为问题。 一个人可能确实不关心:

foreach($incoming as $key => $value) {
    // if the first $key is 1, do you care that you will never see 0?

即便是你的照顾,你也很容易纠正这一问题。 这里有两种直截了当的做法。 一种是,隐藏的输入要素是:

      <td class= bla >
        <input type="hidden" name="cBox[0]" value="" />
        Checkbox: <input type= checkbox  name= cBox[0] />
      <td class= bla >
        <input type="hidden" name="cBox[1]" value="" />
        Checkbox: <input type= checkbox  name= cBox[1] />

And two, which I find preferable, fill in the blanks from PHP instead:

// assume this is what comes in:
$input = array(
     1  =>  foo ,
     3  =>  bar ,

// set defaults: array with keys 0-4 all set to empty string
$defaults = array_fill(0, 5,   );

$input = $input + $defaults;

// If you also want order, sort:


<http://ideone.com/Pu4fh”rel=“noretinger”> 见行动


如果有检查,一个国家将超越检查箱的价值。 否则,其价值将是0。

  <input type= hidden  value= 0  name="smth">
  <input type= checkbox  value= 1  name="smth">

提 出

<input type= checkbox  value="XXX" name= cBox[] />
<input type= checkbox  value="YYY" name= cBox[] />
<input type= checkbox  value="ZZZ" name= cBox[] />

检查箱的工作就是这样。 如果加以核对,则只公布价值。



  <input type="hidden" name="cBox[]" value="" />
  <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value="on" />
  <input type="hidden" name="cBox[]" value="" />
  <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value="on" />
<!-- extend -->

Javascript (jQuery):

$(document).on("change", "input.checkbox", function() {

    var value = $(this).is(":checked") ? $(this).val() : null;

    $(this).siblings("input[name= cBox[] ]").val(value);    

反馈结果 (只检查第二个):

// PHP $_POST[ cBox ]
    [0] => 
    [1] => on

In this implement, the checkboxes are used to controller each hidden input in a group.

显示页 你们可以把价值分配到隐藏的投入和标识核对箱中,作为<代码>checked<>。


<input type= checkbox  value= 1  name= cBox[1] />



request()->joint([cBox => request()->input(cBox , []);

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