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Amazon SES Inline Attachment in NET
原标题:Amazon SES Inline Attachment in .NET

几个月来,我们成功地通过亚马孙信空局的原始电子邮件形式发送了电子邮件,我们寄予厚望。 然而,我们最近试图增加一条线附件(简单的jpg),以便用户不得不打开附件,以核实图像和数据关联。

I m 使用系统。 邮资 邮寄给一个记忆犹新社,传至亚马孙。 当我尝试使用标准系统时。 邮资 发送电子邮件和附上图像,但并未将图像放在线上。


Has anyone been able to send an inline image via Amazon SES? Preferably in .NET, but any language is an option at this point if .NET cannot do it.



I haven t tried this myself, but are you aware that you can now use standard .NET mail API in conjunction with AWS SES? This could solve your problem.

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