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Jquery Timers - Cant 停下来 时间选择
原标题:Jquery Timers - Cant stop everyTime loop

I have a little animation that makes elements bob up and down. Each element bobs at a slightly different speed and amount. I m using Jquery Timers (http://plugins.jquery.com/project/timers) everyTime function to infinitely loop the animation.



function randomFromTo(from, to){
   return Math.floor(Math.random() * (to - from + 1) + from);

    function bobbing(command){

       if(command== start ){
          $("#scroller .feature-headline").each(function (i) {
             $(this).everyTime(1,  bobbing , function (){
                var bobAmount = randomFromTo(5, 10);
                var bobSpeed = randomFromTo(1200, 2000);
                $(this).animate ({marginTop: bobAmount}, bobSpeed,  linear ).animate ({marginTop: 0}, bobSpeed,  linear );
       } else {
          $("#scroller .feature-headline").each(function (i) {
             $(this).stopTime( bobbing );




这份指南对停机和停电作了区分。 完全停止估计就是一例。

$( "#ball_holder").stop(true).stopTime();


$(this).stop(true).stopTime( bobbing );


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