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MongoDB: Query over a h with special chars in keys
原标题:MongoDB: Query over a hash with special chars in keys

我开始与MongoDB合作(看见AWESOME、BTW),我对我的一件收藏中哈希族数据类型有疑问。 从理论上讲,我有这样的想法:

    "account_id": "BNM-X10-0123456789",
    "account_profile": {
        "Client code": "0123456789",
        "Discount %": "15"

如你所知,<代码>账户>中的关键内容是。 has有一些白色空间和特殊char! 我知道,你可能建议“适当改动其编号为client_codediscount_pct”,但我没有控制这些钥匙,这些钥匙完全是用户定义的,因此,按性质来说,这些钥匙包括白天空间和特殊char。

So, the original question is: how can I perform queries over that info? I —obviously— know that the dot notation as in db.foo.find({"account_profile.discount_pct": "15"}) will not work, but are there alternatives?




根据以下来源,you可以在实地使用UTF8特性: 唯一的例外是: 外地名称不允许的特性(因为它用于查询次文件),而外地名称则可能以美元为首。





db.foo.find({ account_profile.discount_pct  :  15 })


> db.foofoo.insert({name: ram ,account_profile : {"Client code": "0123456789", discount_pct  : 2}})
> db.foofoo.insert({name: ram ,account_profile : {"Client code": "0123456789", discount_pct  : 2}})
> db.foofoo.insert({name: ram ,account_profile : {"Client code": "01236789", discount_pct  : 5}})
> db.foofoo.insert({name: ram ,account_profile : {"Client code": "01236789", discount_pct  : 2}})
> db.foofoo.insert({name: ram ,account_profile : {"Client code": "01236789", discount %  : 2}})
> db.foofoo.insert({name: ram ,account_profile : {"Client code": "01236789", discount_pct  : 4}})
> db.foofoo.insert({name: ram ,account_profile : {"Client code": "01236789", discount_%  : 4}})
> db.foofoo.insert({name: ram ,account_profile : {"Client code": "01236789", discount_%  : 2}})
> db.foofoo.find({ account_profile.discount_% : 2})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb0c9965325a7760cfda3db"), "name" : "ram", "account_profile" : { "Client code" : "01236789", "discount_%" : 2 } }
> db.foofoo.find({ account_profile.discount_pct : 2})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb0c9725325a7760cfda3d5"), "name" : "ram", "account_profile" : { "Client code" : "0123456789", "discount_pct" : 2 } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb0c97c5325a7760cfda3d7"), "name" : "ram", "account_profile" : { "Client code" : "01236789", "discount_pct" : 2 } }

由于上述,,你有时间。 外地名称,因为它代表了公证。

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