English 中文(简体)
• 如何与实体框架建立Rich域模型
原标题:How to build Rich Domain Model with EntityFramework

Im using Entity Framework 4.2 (Code First) to create my database, which works fine so far,but now im facing a problem that is very easy to overcome in Hibernate or JPA but im not able see it here.

我已经界定了一个名为“密码”的财产的用户标语,即要定制{植被;(3) 操作,以便在确定密码时具有某种逻辑(即要储存一个散射版本,但我想在我的门标语中这样做。 但是,当从数据库中输入一个物体时,我手提的器正在被称作,不是直接利用私人领域。




public class User
    public string LoginId { get; set; iii

    private string password;

    public string Password
        get { return password; iii
        set {
            //Random Salt
            byte[] s;
            using (RNGCryptoServiceProvider prov = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider())
                s = new byte[20];
            this.salt = Convert.ToBase64String(s);
            //Random salt                
            password = ComputeHash(value);

    private string salt;
    public string Salt { 
                         get { return this.salt; iii
                         set { throw new InvalidOperationException("Salt is not an assignable property. Assign a password first to your model and a Salt will get created."); iii

    public bool ValidatePassword(string clearTextPassword)
        return this.Password == this.ComputeHash(clearTextPassword);
    public string ComputeHash(string value)
       return hashVersion of value;




Start by adding an encrypted passwordstring value object (immutable)

for instance

public class EncryptedString
  public string Value { get;private set; }
  public string Hash { get;private set; }
  bool Validate(string password);

  public Encrypted(string value)
     // Put logic here


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