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汇编SOS 5号材料供模拟者使用时的链接错误——不确定符号:_objc_assign_global,_objc_assign_ivar和_objc_assign_strongCast
原标题:Linker error when compiling iOS 5 app for Simulator - Undefined symbols: _objc_assign_global, _objc_assign_ivar, and _objc_assign_strongCast

我的项目在升级为自动重计后,不再为5台模拟仪进行汇编。 它仍然为任何SOS装置进行无谓的汇编。



  • _objc_assign_global
  • _objc_assign_ivar
  • _objc_assign_strongCast


Other Info

  • iOS deployment target is: 4.0.
  • OS is Snow Leopard OSX 10.6.8 64bit
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
  "_objc_assign_global", referenced from:
      +[InAppPurchaseManager sharedInAppPurchaseManager] in InAppPurchaseManager.o
      +[ThemeManager sharedThemeManager] in ThemeManager.o
      +[DownloadUpdatesManager sharedDownloadUpdatesManager] in DownloadUpdatesManager.o
      +[AudioManager sharedAudioManager] in AudioManager.o
      +[IOHelper sharedIOHelper] in IOHelper.o
      -[CKBezierPath svgStringPath] in CKBezierPath.o
      +[PreferencesManager defaultLineWidth] in PreferencesManager.o
  "_objc_assign_ivar", referenced from:
      -[InAppPurchaseManager init] in InAppPurchaseManager.o
      -[InAppPurchaseManager addTransactionObserver:] in InAppPurchaseManager.o
      -[InAppPurchaseManager removePurchaseTransactionObserver:] in InAppPurchaseManager.o
      -[InAppPurchaseManager purchaseProduct:forThemeIDType:] in InAppPurchaseManager.o
      -[InAppPurchaseManager productsRequest:didReceiveResponse:] in InAppPurchaseManager.o
      -[ThemeEditVC viewDidLoad] in ThemeEditVC.o
      -[ThemeEditVC setDelegate:] in ThemeEditVC.o
  "_objc_assign_strongCast", referenced from:
      +[SFHFKeychainUtils getPasswordForUsername:andServiceName:error:] in SFHFKeychainUtils.o
      +[SFHFKeychainUtils storeUsername:andPassword:forServiceName:updateExisting:error:] in SFHFKeychainUtils.o
      +[SFHFKeychainUtils deleteItemForUsername:andServiceName:error:] in SFHFKeychainUtils.o
      __replacePlaceholdersWithValues in Utility.o
      -[LocationManager checkForNewLocation:] in LocationManager.o
      -[LocationManager getNewLocationInStringFormat] in LocationManager.o
      ___52-[LocationManager getNewLocationInStringFormat]_block_invoke_0 in LocationManager.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386


目标C 垃圾收集被定为“支持”而不是“要求”。 在将其定为“要求”之后,我犯了错误:

ld: /Users/teacher/drawingapp/FlurryLib/libFlurryAnalytics.a(FlurryAnalytics.o) built with incompatible Garbage Collection settings to link with previous .o files for architecture i386 Command /Developer_4_2_ios5/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1


Edit 2:

看起来像Garbage Collection,只是为SOS X而不是为OS提供支持。 我仍然不理解,为什么允许我用垃圾收集器来汇编和操作有关该装置的对应材料,但不是模拟器。



1. /Users/teacher/drawingapp/Main/Source/PurchaseThemeOptionVC.m:52:1: current parser token  - 
2. /Users/teacher/drawingapp/Main/Source/PurchaseThemeOptionVC.m:39:1: LLVM IR generation of declaration  PurchaseThemeOptionVC::viewDidLoad 
3. /Users/teacher/drawingapp/Main/Source/PurchaseThemeOptionVC.m:39:21: LLVM IR generation of compound statement ( {} )
clang: error: unable to execute command: Segmentation fault
clang: error: clang frontend command failed due to signal 2 (use -v to see invocation)

汇编者只有在能够收集垃圾时才能参考这些功能。 你们是否确保这些物体档案能够用垃圾收集汇编成册?



Don tabe, 请注意,如果你与制作的垃圾收集的图书馆连接起来,将提及_objc_assign_global/ivar/strongCa

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