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Gitlab CI: conditionally ignore needs based on rules?

So I have a pipeline that builds docker images to be used later by other parts of the pipeline. I have set things up so this image-building part of the pipeline only triggers if special tags are included in the commit message, to avoid rebuilding them unless necessary. But there are quite a few images and now I m trying to figure out how to make this even more fine-grained so that I can rebuild just some images when required.

Here s the idea. In my gitlab-ci.yml there is:

  stage: build-images
  extends: .template_build_image
    IMAGE_NAME: base
    - if:  $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /^.*[build-images].*$/s 

  stage: build-images
  needs: [build-base]
  extends: .template_build_image
    IMAGE_NAME: environment
    - !reference [build-base, rules]

<and others>

I can add more rules for more tags easily enough, like make a rule for build-environment to add it to the pipeline if [build-environment] is in the commit message. My problem is that build-environment needs build-base. I.e. gitlab will complain if I try to run build-environment without build-base in the pipeline. And I don t want to remove these needs relationships because when I am running the whole pipeline those relationships are important. I just want to selectively ignore them sometimes when I "manually" want to skip some initial steps in the pipeline (and just use the e.g. base image already in my image registry).

Is there some way to achieve this in gitlab CI?



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