English 中文(简体)
替换文本档案的线,代之以使用纸质或 a子的另一种档案。
原标题:replacing lines of a text file with text of another file using sed or awk

我有文件,例如文件1.txt,我想用另一个文本档案(例如文件2.txt)中的新线来取代其几个字。 文件1.txt的格式如下: 它有点开始和结束。


line 1
line 2
line 3 
line 4
line 5


我想将第1行改为第5行,与文件2.txt中的现有路线一致。 在文件1.txt和文件2.txt中,线数并不相同。 如文件1.txt所示,文件2.txt可能有越来越多的线。

我需要有人的投入。 感谢大家的期待


If the parts of File1.txt that you want to preserve are fixed, you only need to print the second file and include that parts:

printf  BEGIN



IF that s not the case (substitute START/END with the patterns that match the parts that you want to preserve):

awk  NR == FNR {
  f2 = f2 ? f2 RS $0 : $0
/START|END/ || !NF {
  print; next  
NF && !c++ { 
  print f2 
  }  File2.txt File1.txt


sed -re  /^START/,/^END/{/^START/{p;r File2.txt  -e  };/^END/p;d}  File1.txt

This inserts File2.txt between START and END but doesn t preserve empty lines after line 1 and before line 2


sed -re  /^START/,/^END/{//!{/^$/{p;d};x;/./{x;d};x;h;r File2.txt  -e  ;d};x;s/.*//;x}  File1.txt

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