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通过xml 查询
原标题:cross origin request via xmlhttprequest

I m new to xmlhttprequest, and I need a Little help with cross origin request.

我从网络服务中抽取一个xmlhttprequest,所有东西都从我的当地东道方 n开。


我试图将准入-Control-Allow-Origin设定为rew重新q.setRequest 标题没有成功。

P.s I m written in javascript.




We can t locate our client files in one server and make a httprequest to another, for security reasons the browser blocks the request...


  1. To locate both client & server files in on the same server.
  2. There couple ways to manipulate the server which include changing scripts in the server files (really not recomended for beginners... )




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