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我如何明确一个制度。 午餐
原标题:How do I clear a System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache

我使用<代码>System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache持有永远不会到期的项目。 然而,有时我需要清除整个海滩。 我如何这样做?

我询问了一个类似的问题here。 关于我是否可以列举这些藏匿点,但这是一个坏的想法,因为在列举时需要加以精简。

I ve Trial using .Trim(100) but that don t work at all.


我想储存所有钥匙,然后发行<代码>。 每人搬走(钥匙),但也有暗含的种族条件,因此,我需要锁定钥匙清单,而且事情再次出现。


使用<代码>Change Monitors对我的设计来说不是一个选择,对于这种三维要求来说,是毫无道理的。

So, how do I completely clear the cache?



The state of the cache is set to indicate that the cache is disposed. Any attempt to call public caching methods that change the state of the cache, such as methods that add, remove, or retrieve cache entries, might cause unexpected behavior. For example, if you call the Set method after the cache is disposed, a no-op error occurs. If you attempt to retrieve items from the cache, the Get method will always return Nothing. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.runtime.caching.memorycache.dispose.aspx

About the Trim, it s supposed to work:

The Trim property first removes entries that have exceeded either an absolute or sliding expiration. Any callbacks that are registered for items that are removed will be passed a removed reason of Expired.

If removing expired entries is insufficient to reach the specified trim percentage, additional entries will be removed from the cache based on a least-recently used (LRU) algorithm until the requested trim percentage is reached.


Update However I see no mention of it being singleton or otherwise unsafe to have multiple instances so you should be able to overwrite your reference.


根据你的问题,你可以让自己的单一吨位的阶级回到你可以自行处置的记忆。 具有切身性质:-


我首先要为此而努力。 记忆中心。 三角是最佳尝试,因此,如果藏有100件物品,你称之为Trim(100)将消除使用最少的产品。


This code removes all items from MemoryCache for me in my xUnit tests with MemoryCache.Default. MemoryCache.Default is the default Region.

foreach (var element in MemoryCache.Default)

Here s is what I had made for something I was working on...

public void Flush()
    List<string> cacheKeys = MemoryCache.Default.Select(kvp => kvp.Key).ToList();
    foreach (string cacheKey in cacheKeys)

I know this is an old question but the best option I ve come across is to

Dispose the existing MemoryCache and create a new MemoryCache object. https://stackoverflow.com/a/4183319/880642

The answer doesn t really provide the code to do this in a thread safe way. But this can be achieved using Interlocked.Exchange

var oldCache = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _existingCache, new MemoryCache("newCacheName"));

This will swap the existing cache with a new one and allow you to safely call Dispose on the original cache. This avoids needing to enumerate the items in the cache and race conditions caused by disposing a cache while it is in use.



public class CustomCacheProvider : ICustomCacheProvider
    private IMemoryCache _internalCache;
    private readonly ICacheFactory _cacheFactory;

    public CustomCacheProvider (ICacheFactory cacheFactory)
        _cacheFactory = cacheFactory;
        _internalCache = _cacheFactory.CreateInstance();
    public void Set(string key, object item, MemoryCacheEntryOptions policy)
        _internalCache.Set(key, item, policy);

    public object Get(string key)
        return _internalCache.Get(key);
   // other methods ignored for breviy 

    public void Dispose()

    public void EmptyCache()
        var oldCache = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _internalCache, _cacheFactory.CreateInstance());


The details in @stefan s answer detail the principle; here s how I d do it.



public void clearCache() {
  var oldCache = TheCache;
  TheCache = new MemoryCache("NewCacheName", ...);


I ran into this problem too. .Dispose() did something quite different than what I expected.

相反,我给我的控制阶层增加了一个静态的领域。 我没有使用默认的藏匿处,来绕过这一行为,而是设立了一个私人机构(如果你要说的话)。 因此,我的执行看起来是这样:

public class MyController : Controller

    static MemoryCache s_cache = new MemoryCache("myCache");

    public ActionResult Index()

        if (conditionThatInvalidatesCache)
            s_cache = new MemoryCache("myCache");

        String s = s_cache["key"] as String;

        if (s == null)
            //do work
            //add to s_cache["key"]

        //do whatever next

Check out this post, and specifically, the answer that Thomas F. Abraham posted. It has a solution that enables you to clear the entire cache or a named subset.


// Cache objects are obligated to remove entry upon change notification.


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