English 中文(简体)
即便是这样,也并未将哥伦指数化。 内部声明
原标题:Column is not indexed even though it is. PreparedStatement inside


我用一份准备声明,连续运行约30 000个点。 问询检查的是,使用矿石引信法,显示线与我们数据库中的东西相似。


我不理解这一指数的实际存在。 我的方法从未重建或删除指数,因此没有理由出现这一错误。

public List<EntryToCheck> checkEntriesOnSuspiciousElement(List<EntryToCheck> entries, int type,int score, int numresults, int percentage) throws Exception {
    Connection connection = null;
    PreparedStatement statement页: 1irstName = null;
    PreparedStatement statementLastname = null;

    int finalScore = checkScore(score);
    int finalNumResults = checkNumResults(numresults);
    int finalPercentage = checkPercentage(percentage);
    try {
    connection = dataSource.getConnection();

    StringBuilder requestLastNameOnly = new StringBuilder("SELECT SE.ELEMENT_ID, SE.LASTNAME||   ||SE.页: 1IRSTNAME AS ELEMENT, SCORE(1) AS SCORE ");
    requestLastNameOnly.append("页: 1ROM BL_SUSPICIOUS_ELEMENT SE ");
    requestLastNameOnly.append("WHERE CONTAINS(SE.LASTNAME,  fuzzy({  || ? ||  },  || ? ||  ,  || ? ||  , weight) , 1)>? ");
    requestLastNameOnly.append((type > 0 ? "AND SE.ELEMENT_TYPE_ID = ? " : " "));
    requestLastNameOnly.append("ORDER BY SCORE DESC");

    statementLastname = connection.prepareStatement(requestLastNameOnly.toString());
    for (EntryToCheck entryToCheck : entries) {
            ResultSet rs;
            boolean with页: 1irstName = (entryToCheck.getEntry页: 1irstname() != null && !entryToCheck.getEntry页: 1irstname().equals("")); 
                statementLastname.setString(1, entryToCheck.getEntryLastname().replaceAll(" ","  "));
                statementLastname.setInt(2, finalScore);
                statementLastname.setInt(3, finalNumResults);
                statementLastname.setInt(4, finalPercentage);

                if(type > 0){
                    statementLastname.setInt(5, type);
                System.out.println("Query LastName : " +  entryToCheck.getEntryLastname().replaceAll(" ","  ") );
                rs = statementLastname.executeQuery();

            while (rs.next()) {

                Alert alert = new Alert();
                alert.setAlertStatus(new AlertStatus(new Integer(AlertStatusId.NEW)));
                alert.setAlertDate(new Date());
                alert.setBlSuspiciousElement(new BlSuspiciousElement(new Integer(rs.getInt("ELEMENT_ID"))));
                alert.setMatching(rs.getString("ELEMENT") + " (" + rs.getInt("SCORE") + "%)");

        catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;
        finally {
            DAOUtils.closeConnection(connection, statementLastname);

        return entries;



页: 1


I never used Oracle text tables but my advice is: Make sure that no one else is executing DDL statements on the table simultaneously. Also, make sure that, index you have is context index.





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