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原标题:A memory leak in cvCaptureFromCAM?

由此可见,利用传统观念,在初创中创造了记忆。 利用CvCaptureFromCAM造成48个NSAutoreleasePool物体的传闻。 我最初认为我的方案有点.,但当用一个更简单的方案取代时,记忆的泄露仍然存在。


#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
int main()
   IplImage *frame = 0;
   CvCapture *capture = cvCaptureFromCAM (-1); //leak occurs on this line  
   //using 0 instead of -1 creates a leak too

   cvNamedWindow ("Output", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

   while (1)
      frame = cvQueryFrame (capture);
      cvShowImage ("Output", frame);

   cvDestroyAllWindows ();
   cvReleaseCapture (&capture);

   return 0;

I am using Xcode Leaks to find memory leaks and am obviously using the Xcode IDE on Mac OS X 10.6. Does anyone know a solution to the leak? Am I doing something wrong or it a bug in OpenCV or a problem with my computer? I double checked my code and the OpenCV code but couldn t really find a problem. The memory leak is a one time thing - it doesn t keep building. However I am not comfortable with leaving ANY leaks in my program. Does anyone have any suggestions?




i 认为问题在于此。

while (1)
   frame = cvQueryFrame (capture);
   cvShowImage ("Output", frame);

in my idea you have to change this unlimited WHILE to FOR and for have to be fix memory size and after for you have to use


i) 这种方法

 while (1)
  for(int i=0;i<x;++i)
      frame = cvQueryFrame (capture);
      cvShowImage ("Output", frame);

我找到了<代码>cv:VideoCapture和NSAutoreleasePool的记忆。 这些问题都在<条码>中。


  1. An NSAutoreleasePool is allocated.
  2. A method exited early (this code very liberally uses early returns out of functions)
  3. Some of these returns do not clean up after themselves when using an early return

因此,每一次编号为<代码>[[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init],核对<代码>的其余部分功能。 如果在<代码>return之前就没有按照<代码>[[当地人才外流](或无论何种变更名称在全欧使用)的表述,则添加一个。


一旦我确定这一问题,我的记忆就会消失。 同样,使用开放式CV 2.4.2的Im。

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