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Spring Roo v.s. Maven 2 Archetypes
原标题:Spring Roo v.s. Maven 2 Archetypes

I want to implement a tool that generates web service application, based on a WSDL file. The idea is to ask the user questions and to generate an application with features based on those questions. The generated application will not need any of the existing Spring Roo modules like addon-jpa or addon-security. I considered Spring Roo for this task, but the same can be achieved with Maven 2 archetypes.

使用<条码>的星号/代码>与<条码>中型2型无序号相比,这项任务的利弊如何? <代码>的实际附加值 Spring Roo? 是否更简单的使用,Spring Roo APMaven 2 archetype AP?


very old thread...

我更喜欢使用Maven 2型等级。 非常直截了当,在几分钟内,你将开始在 to/las鱼网集装箱中部署。

Maven also help managing libs versioning..



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