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购买X Y - 我如何理解其背后的内容?
原标题:Buy X get Y - How can I understand the math behind it?
  • 时间:2023-10-11 00:31:48
  •  标签:
  • c

我把购买X后数的数学混为一谈。 如果是《合同法》,就很容易计算你想要的物品数量和你必须支付的金额。 例如,当你想要4人时,你只得购买2美元和支付2美元,但购买3台的费用是免费的,或购买30台是免费的。 我认为非常容易地计算一下,在我的领导下,但在我试图找到一种反映这种情况的公式时,我会说(因为我的数学基础薄弱)。

Problem description

Calculate Total Cost after Subtracting Quantity of Free Promotional Products Each laundry detergent product sold by the store to consumers costs X VND. The store has a promotion: for every 10 products purchased (excluding the additional free ones), you get 1 product for free. The customer wants to buy n products. Calculate the total amount the customer has to pay for those n products. The input is the price of a product and the number of products the customer buys The output will be the amount the customer must pay (take up to 2 decimal places)

50000 12

50000 10



如果你购买0至x产品,你支付0至x美元。 如果你购买x+1至x+y,你支付x。 然后周期开始。

如果你想要生产产品,即整整年限值(n/(x+y),每周期就支付x产品,加上其余的上限 = n-下限(n/(x+y))=(x+y)。 其余部分,如果上限为0至x,或者如果上限为x+1至x+y,则由您支付。


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