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原标题:Adding non-VCL window into VCL align queue

一些背景( 继续) TLabel和Tome Box Captions Flicker on Resize:

  • So, I have an application that loads different plugins and creates a new tab on a TPageControl for each one.
  • Each DLL has a TForm associated with it.
  • The forms are created with their parent hWnd as the new TTabSheet. Since the TTabSheets aren t a parent of the form as far as VCL is concerned (didn t want to use dynamic RTL, and plugins made in other languages) I have to handle resizes manually.


因此,我目前的斗争正试图把 does带入关塔布特,但将直接改写。

Since this would be easier to explain with a picture: Visual representation of question Now I could manually do the alignment and the resize, but I d much rather have the VCL alignment procedures (alClient, alTop, etc) do it for me. That way I would just have to set the plugins alignment on its form without thinking.

在研究了《维也纳条约法公约》的渊源之后,我开始通过《统一守则》和《守则》的呼声。 基本上,TControl获得WM_ RESIZE:

  1. Call Realign() which calls AlignControl()
  2. AlignControl() will get the client rect and call AlignControls()
  3. AlignControls() will call DoAlign() for each TAlignment type in this order: alTop, alBottom, alLeft, alRight, alClient, alCustom, alNone
  4. DoAlign() will loop through FControls and FWinControls (which are TLists) and will align them appropriately


Of course I m here, so it failed miserably. I even get an AV when exiting the application about an invalid window handle. My guess is that the TWinControl I created is trying to free the handle of the plugins form (window) which doesn t exist any more.


procedure AddHandleToControlList(AHandle: DWORD; Align: TAlign);
  NewWinControl : TWinControl;
  NewWinControl := TWinControl.Create(frmMain);
  NewWinControl.WindowHandle := AHandle;
  NewWinControl.Align := Align;
  NewWinControl.Width := frmMain.ClientWidth;
  NewWinControl.Height := 30;
  NewWinControl.Parent := frmMain;

procedure AddHandleToControlList(AHandle: DWORD; Align: TAlign);
  NewWinControl : TWinControl;
  NewWinControl := TWinControl.Create(frmMain);
  NewWinControl.WindowHandle := AHandle;
  NewWinControl.Align := Align;
  NewWinControl.Width := frmMain.ClientWidth;
  NewWinControl.Height := 30;

Soooo, thoughts?


Ok, so this correctly adds the control to the list and conforms the the TAlign set (why is it that I spend 8 hours trying to figure something out, I post here, and then the answer just appears...oh well someone might find this question and my ramblings useful):

procedure AddHandleToControlList(AHandle: DWORD; AName: PChar; ATop, ALeft, AWidth, AHeight: Integer; AAlign: TAlign);
  NewWinControl : TWinControl;
  NewWinControl := TWinControl.Create(frmMain);
  With NewWinControl Do
    Name := AName;
    Top := ATop;
    Left := ALeft;
    Width := AWidth;
    Height := AHeight;
    Align := AAlign;
    WindowHandle := AHandle;
    Visible := True;

现在的问题是,在申请结束时,我就错了AV......。 我将继续!

EDIT 2: Ok, so it is TWinControl.DestroyWindowHandle that raises the AV because the window handle doesn t exist any more. I m trying to think of a clean solution.


从<代码>TWinControl中选取一个新类别,并超越其虚拟<代码>DestroyWindowHandle()方法,不免除 HWNDTWinControl.DestroyWindowHandle(>的缺席执行,请Win32 2008/6DestroyWnd()



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